Event, afkomstig van: Events

The HZ Green Office invites you to the cleanup on Middelburg on the 26/03/2021. The meeting point is at room GW 102 in HZ Middelburg. The cleanup begins from 10:00 to 17:00h. Feel free to stop by within this time frame and select the time that is most convenient for you. You can pick up the materials at room GW 102 and then go to anywhere in Middelburg to cleanup. Feel free to walk wherever you want and collect trash. You can plan your own route at your own time and at your own pace. Free coffee is able at Het Koffiepand. This is thanks to Anne van Helteren. Please remember to return the materials and trash to HZ Middelburg. You can earn DOUBLE HZ personality credits for this event. Corona Measures that are applied: gloves will be provided on location, bring your own hand sanitizer, and keep your distance of 2 meters.

maart 26, 2021
maart 26, 2021