Event, afkomstig van: Events

->Thursday, 19 May: A big, fun, artsy and for everyone accessible(Il) central action in Rotterdam which will take place during the afternoon. Mobilise everyone. Food and Community Program after the action. -> Friday, 20 May: Decentral organised disruptive actions in Rotterdam. Community Program will be present. Saturday and Sunday, 21 and 22 May: Community program in Rotterdam. We rest, we party, we regenerate and we learn. Also, during the weekend, the Solidarity Program will take place (limited spots; this includes a campsite). -> Monday, 23 May: Decentral organised (disruptive) actions through the whole of the Netherlands. Also on this day, we want to show the link between fossil fuels and larger systems p oppression and exploitation. Less Community Program in Rotterdam. ->Tuesday, 24 May: One last, central action in Rotterdam for everyone who still wants to be disruptive. Central 'informal' debrief with check-ins and after care In Rotterdam during the day. The last night will be a nice party night to end the week in proper fashion. (A more official debrief will follow soon after the Rebellion)

mei 19, 2022
mei 24, 2022