Get Active

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So, you want to become active and clean your area immediately? Awesome! Here are some tips, tools and a list of local partners that will help you along the way.

Tips for an Easy Clean-Up

  • Your Municipality Can Help – Middelburg & Vlissingen provide grabbers and arrange litter pick-up.
  • No Equipment? No Problem! – A simple shopping bag and gloves are all you need.
  • Leave Trash Next to City Bins – Even without scheduling a pick-up, waste crews usually remove it within 24 hours.
  • Bring Friends! – Take turns carrying the bag and make it a fun, social activity.
  • Just Do It! – It takes seconds but makes a lasting difference.

Useful Apps

Plastic Avengers – Track litter types to influence policies (thanks to this, deposit fees exist in the Netherlands!).

Litterati – A litter-mapping app that helps identify pollution hotspots for research and action.

Local Partners

Doe Mee, Verlos de Zee! – Organises weekly beach clean-ups & manages Zeeland’s blue waste containers.


Strandkorrel – Focuses on nerdle (microplastic) pollution in the Eastern Scheldt. Open to student participation!


Wij Zijn De Stad, Middelburg – Offers clean-up materials you can borrow at Zusterplein 8. Regular clean-up collaborations.

Contact: @wijzijndestad on Instagram

Want to get started? Join a clean-up or start your own today! 🌍♻