PR 00297: verschil tussen versies

Geen bewerkingssamenvatting
Geen bewerkingssamenvatting
Regel 19: Regel 19:

Research type: field research, desk analysis, lab research
Research type: field research, desk analysis, lab research
|Show summary=Nee
|Show summary=Ja
|Contact person=CNTR 00028
|Contact person=CNTR 00028
|Stakeholder=STKH 00001,STKH 00064,STKH 00061,STKH 00069,
|Stakeholder=STKH 00001,STKH 00064,STKH 00061,STKH 00069,

Versie van 11 nov 2020 15:11

D-GPS measurements (traditional method for determining sediment height) taken in the field by students.

As a result of the Natura 2000 measures taken by the Dutch government to improve natural habitats around the country the monitoring of various (protected) areas has become more important. However, conventional monitoring methods are often very time consuming and labor intensive, resulting in high costs. To make the monitoring campaigns more efficient and cost effective, the project 'Low cost monitoring with high tech innovations' looks into the opportunities for new technologies to help with monitoring. This addition could make monitoring faster and/or more accurate.

On three different locations (Baalhoek, Knuitershoek and Perkpolder) experiments with the new technologies will take place at the same time as the monitoring of the areas with traditional methods will be performed. Afterwards the different techniques will be compared and a program will be developed that can help various companies and stakeholders to decide which method they would like to apply in their future monitoring programs.

Research type: field research, desk analysis, lab research

Location: Knuitershoek, Baalhoek & Perkpolder, Zeeland

Contact: João Salvador de Paiva

Als gevolg van de Natura 2000-maatregelen die de Nederlandse overheid heeft genomen om de natuurlijke habitats in het hele land te verbeteren, is het monitoren van verschillende (beschermde) gebieden belangrijk geworden. Om dit proces efficiënter te maken wordt in het project 'Low cost monitoring with high tech innovations' gekeken naar de mogelijkheden van nieuwe technologieën om de monitoring sneller en/of nauwkeuriger te maken. Dit wordt gedaan door verschillende nieuwe technieken in het veld te testen en te vergelijken met de traditionele monitoringsprotocollen.

januari 1, 2018
mei 31, 2021




Geen subprojecten.