LC 00422: verschil tussen versies

Geen bewerkingssamenvatting
Geen bewerkingssamenvatting
Regel 2: Regel 2:

The HZ Innovation Studio is called ‘The Garage’ as we are always open, ‘mechanics’ constantly work and cars come and go. The cars, as a metaphor for the projects, are in need of a certain fix. The repair takes a certain amount of time, approach and tools. Our chef shapes projects, periods and participants in such a way the owner (the project commissioner) will leave truly satisfied, able to continue its onwards journey. Colleagues come and go, also as some other students partake in projects to complete their full minor of 30 EC, a halve minor of 15 EC, their internship, graduation thesis or elective credits like HZ Personality. Altogether, this creates the dynamic and eclectic mix we treasure.  
The HZ Innovation Studio is called ‘The Garage’ as we are always open, ‘mechanics’ constantly work and cars come and go. The cars, as a metaphor for the projects, are in need of a certain fix. The repair takes a certain amount of time, approach and tools. Our chef shapes projects, periods and participants in such a way the owner (the project commissioner) will leave truly satisfied, able to continue its onwards journey. Colleagues come and go, also as some other students partake in projects to complete their full minor of 30 EC, a halve minor of 15 EC, their internship, graduation thesis or elective credits like HZ Personality. Altogether, this creates the dynamic and eclectic mix we treasure.  
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Versie van 10 okt 2022 13:34


The HZ Innovation Studio is called ‘The Garage’ as we are always open, ‘mechanics’ constantly work and cars come and go. The cars, as a metaphor for the projects, are in need of a certain fix. The repair takes a certain amount of time, approach and tools. Our chef shapes projects, periods and participants in such a way the owner (the project commissioner) will leave truly satisfied, able to continue its onwards journey. Colleagues come and go, also as some other students partake in projects to complete their full minor of 30 EC, a halve minor of 15 EC, their internship, graduation thesis or elective credits like HZ Personality. Altogether, this creates the dynamic and eclectic mix we treasure.

Innovation 2.png


For minor students, it is possible to spend approximately 10 weeks (1 period of 15EC) or 20 (2 periods of 15 EC=30EC) in our innovation studio. In these weeks, you develop and your portfolio will be tested on five competences, also called key areas of the Garage: design thinking, co-creation, applied research, critical reflection and conceptual thinking. Each competence is tested by means of three learning responsibilities. There are thus 15 learning responsibilities in the minor but that does not mean that each responsibility is part of the portfolio and tested as such. In the full minors of 2x 15 EC, you will also be assessed on leadership in personal development. In the first 15 credit minor this will be done by means of a presentation. In the second 15 credit minor assessment is on digital video products.

Personal Leadership: In the HZ Innovation Studio, we expect a proactive attitude towards and taking responsibility in personal development. This means…

0. You take charge and seize opportunities to develop as a person and professional in the key areas or other meaningful aspects in relation to your study, career and life interests. These are the fifteen learning responsibilities divided by 3 per competence:

Design Thinking: In the HZ Innovation Studio, we are design thinkers and doers. This means…

1.1 You are able to distinct the various steps and tools of design thinking and relate 1-3 delta(s), its steps and tools to given project(s).

1.2 You design, execute, monitor, interpret and/or validate the professional (end) product following the selected, appropriate design delta steps and tools.

1.3 You share the output in a structured manner, possibly including a suitable follow-up based on an evaluation of the professional product(s) and the associated development process(es).

Co-Creation: In the HZ Innovation Studio, we stimulate meaningful connections across disciplines and backgrounds. This means…

2.1 You foster a safe environment to allow constructive dialogues in order to connect with and empower others through processes of change.

2.2 You stimulate interaction amongst stakeholders in such a way it welcomes equal collaboration (cocreation) and joint change (co-evolution).

2.3 You facilitate a process of sustainable relationships for a meaningful learning community.

Applied Research: In the HZ Innovation Studio, we treasure the opportunity to conduct research. This means…

3.1 You pinpoint in which particular project step what kind of applied research would benefit the design thinking process.

3.2 You propose an applied research design of which its intended outcomes are relevant for the design thinking process.

3.3 You perform an applied research including justifiable data collection, analysis, interpretation and transfer to the design thinking process.

Critical Reflection: In the HZ Innovation Studio, we encourage you to experiment with different perspectives and worldviews. This means that….

4.1 You, together with those involved, unravel various experiences, wishes, thoughts and beliefs.

4.2 You, together with those involved, try to look different at the situation due to a deepening of various worldviews, therewith searching for space to set things in motion.

4.3 You, together with those involved, determine together what is important and the direction for future steps to take collectively.

Conceptual Thinking: In the HZ Innovation Studio, we value the adventure of dealing with complexity and relating concepts to one another. This means that…

5.1 You make the situation and its complexity visible together with and for all others involved.

5.2 You, with others involved, illustrate a variety of scenarios that relate to identified space to set things in motion.

5.3 You propose justified desired and culturally feasible improvements.


By working on our projects, you collect evidence for a portfolio. Coaching and feedback helps you to get continuously insights in being on track or not. Near the end of the first or second ten weeks, you draft a portfolio and receive final feedback. In this portfolio, the output of the projects will show the extent of mastery of the six learning responsibilities. Additionally, you can add a brief reflection to indicate (better) how you developed mastery. The assessment sheet can be found in appendix I. The testing of the first 15 EC is different from the second 15 EC minor.

In the first 15 EC, by means of a presentation, you also convince the examiner of your development in three learning responsibilities of the other three key areas. You can use a Prezi, PowerPoint, a Poster or something else of your choice. The assessment sheet and addition information can be found in appendix II This means that testing is structured:

80% Portfolio

• including project output and reflection (focused on 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3)

• including presentation resource (reflecting three choices of any learning responsibility in 3, 4, 5)

20% Personal development

• presentation and discussion on personal development in the Garage


• For final feedback: Monday 31st of October 2022 23:59

• For final assessment: Wednesday 9th of November 2022 23:59

In the second 15 EC, you need to show development in at least six additional learning responsibilities of the key areas. Make sure that portfolio 2 entails no repetition of portfolio 1. In addition to that, you create a combination of a testimonial video and completion vlog. The testimonial video and completion vlog are a separate test, weighing 20%. For more information about the video’s and assessment, see appendix III. Testing in part two is structured:

80% Portfolio

• including project output and reflection (focused on 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3)

• including a written reflection (at least six choices of any learning responsibility in 3, 4, 5)

20% Combination of testimonial video and completion vlog

• video assessment on personal development and learning experience in the Garage Deadline (both portfolio and video’s)

• For final feedback: Monday 23rd of January 2022 23:59

• For final assessment: Wednesday 1st of February 2033 23:59


Students that work on projects to repair their minor, and aim to obtain less than 15 credits have different guidelines compared to the 15 and 30 EC minor. Depending on how many credits you have to obtain, the following categories have been created:

Category A – 1 to 5 EC’s to obtain

Choose three learning responsibilities of competency 1 (Design thinking) and 2 (Co-creation ) and choose two learning responsibilities of competency 3 (Applied Research), 4 (Critical Reflection) or 5 (Conceptual thinking). You reflect on these learning responsibilities by using the evidence you have collected from the project(s) you have been working on.

Category B – 6 to 10 EC’s to obtain

Choose four learning responsibilities of competency 1 (Design thinking) and 2 (Co-creation) and choose two learning responsibilities of competency 3 (Applied Research), 4 (Critical Reflection) or 5 (Conceptual thinking). You reflect on these learning responsibilities by using the evidence you have collected from the project(s) you have been working on.

Category C – 11 to 14 EC’s to obtain

Choose five learning responsibilities of competency 1 (Design thinking) and 2 (Co-creation) and choose three learning responsibilities of competency 3 (Applied Research), 4 (Critical Reflection) or 5 (Conceptual thinking). You reflect on these learning responsibilities by using the evidence you have collected from the project(s) you have been working on.


Your final product will entail the portfolio. Check the assessment sheet (appendix I) for the structure and what is expected. The structure of the portfolio will be as followed;

The student..

- introduces him/herself, shares on what he/she has worked on during part 1 or 2 and signposts the portfolio

- presents a current CV of student between introduction and reflection

- reflects in a structured manner per key area and explicitly mention the particular learning responsibility in the evaluations

- for portfolio 1, include the materials you used for the presentation

- for portfolio 2, include the written reflection per learning responsibility

- is critical and realistic concerning own development, gives details and refers to shared materials (output, evidence)

- shares output and evidence that allows interpretation of authenticity/stakeholders' comments (if applicable) in a structured manner

- shows a logbook that reasonably list (total) hours the student worked on what particular project and activities

- reflects on own activities, effort and results based on the employee wellbeing program (e.g. Wheel of Life) – approximately one A4. Font should be either Calibri or Arial, size 11.


The HZ Innovation Studio minor ‘The Garage’ is in terms of organizational structure part of the HZ domain Business, Vitality & Hospitality. We have our own library. Books can be used on site or taken home. We mostly work with (scientific) articles, related to the projects. For this reason, there are no costs for literature.

All students can enroll in this minor. We expect enthusiasm, curiosity and a keen interest in the domain our projects take place. The context of our project is described above, yet we believe motivated students can bring something very valuable to the table, most probably related to their bachelor program learning journey so far. In order to increase a successful completion of this minor, a hands-on mentality is required. For each interested candidate there is the possibility to have one or multiple (online) meetings with numerous stakeholders of ‘The Garage’. Would you like to discuss your interests with our supervisor? No problem! Or do you prefer to ask questions to a (former) student colleague? Also no problem. Just get in touch with us and share your thoughts. We will take it from there. At the end, the objective of these exploratory talks is whether this minor might be a relevant fit for you.

Do you want to know more before choosing our HZ Innovation Studio for your exchange? Contact:

• Charlotte Röhl at for questions related to current and future projects

• Timo Derriks at for questions related to the educational concept and testing