Geen bewerkingssamenvatting
Geen bewerkingssamenvatting
Regel 4: Regel 4:
|Name=Iris van de Velde
|Name=Iris van de Velde
|Imagename=Iris van de Velde Profielfoto januari 2023 aangepast.jpg
|Imagename=Iris van de Velde Profielfoto januari 2023 aangepast.jpg
|Profiletext=Iris van de Velde is onderzoeker bij het lectoraat Gezonde Regio en docent bij de opleiding Verpleegkunde. Naast deze functie is Iris ook lid van de raad van toezicht bij Stichting Ouderenzorg Noord Beveland (SONB). In 2011 heeft Iris haar hbo verpleegkunde opleiding afgerond en heeft daarna als verpleegkundige in diverse gezondheidszorginstellingen gewerkt (ziekenhuis, verpleeghuis en thuiszorg). In 2014 is Iris na het behalen van de opleiding verplegingswetenschappen gestart als docent verpleegkunde op de HZ. Een jaar later is Iris aangesloten bij het lectoraat Gezonde Regio. Dit met het idee om de verbinding tussen onderwijs en onderzoek meer te integreren. Sindsdien werkt Iris in de combinatiefunctie van docent-onderzoeker binnen de HZ. Haar interesses liggen vooral op preventie en gezondheidsbevordering, maar ook op het gebruik van technologie in de zorg en het interprofessioneel samenwerken binnen en buiten de gezondheidszorg. Iris draagt graag bij aan maatschappelijke vraagstukken, het liefst regionaal om de eigen regio gezonder, vitaler en leefbaarder te maken.
|Profiletext=Iris van de Velde is a researcher at the Healthy Region research group and a lecturer in the Nursing program.
In addition to this position, Iris is also a member of the supervisory board at Stichting Ouderenzorg Noord Beveland (SONB). In 2011, Iris completed her bachelor's degree in Nursing and then worked as a nurse in various healthcare facilities (hospital, nursing home and home care). In 2014, after graduating in Nursing Science, she started teaching Nursing at HZ.
A year later, Iris joined the Healthy Region research group. This was with the idea of shaping the connection between education and research.
Since then, Iris has been working in the combination position of lecturer-researcher within the HZ. Her interests lie mainly in prevention and health promotion, but also in the use of technology in healthcare and interprofessional cooperation within and outside healthcare. Iris enjoys contributing to social issues, preferably regionally to make her own region healthier, more vital and more livable.
|ProfiletextEn=Iris van de Velde is a researcher at the Healthy Region research group and a lecturer in the Nursing program.
In addition to this position, Iris is also a member of the supervisory board at Stichting Ouderenzorg Noord Beveland (SONB). In 2011, Iris completed her bachelor's degree in Nursing and then worked as a nurse in various healthcare facilities (hospital, nursing home and home care). In 2014, after graduating in Nursing Science, she started teaching Nursing at HZ.  
A year later, Iris joined the Healthy Region research group. This was with the idea of shaping the connection between education and research.  
Since then, Iris has been working in the combination position of lecturer-researcher within the HZ. Her interests lie mainly in prevention and health promotion, but also in the use of technology in healthcare and interprofessional cooperation within and outside healthcare. Iris enjoys contributing to social issues, preferably regionally to make her own region healthier, more vital and more livable.
|Stakeholder=STKH 00002
|Stakeholder=STKH 00002

Versie van 21 aug 2023 13:43

Iris van de Velde

Iris van de Velde
Iris van de Velde is a researcher at the Healthy Region research group and a lecturer in the Nursing program.

In addition to this position, Iris is also a member of the supervisory board at Stichting Ouderenzorg Noord Beveland (SONB). In 2011, Iris completed her bachelor's degree in Nursing and then worked as a nurse in various healthcare facilities (hospital, nursing home and home care). In 2014, after graduating in Nursing Science, she started teaching Nursing at HZ. A year later, Iris joined the Healthy Region research group. This was with the idea of shaping the connection between education and research.

Since then, Iris has been working in the combination position of lecturer-researcher within the HZ. Her interests lie mainly in prevention and health promotion, but also in the use of technology in healthcare and interprofessional cooperation within and outside healthcare. Iris enjoys contributing to social issues, preferably regionally to make her own region healthier, more vital and more livable.
Organisatie: HZ University of Applied Sciences
Onderzoeksgroep (primair): Healthy Region
Onderzoeksgroep (secundair):
