Gibson-Graham (2001) - An Ethics of the Local


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  • Discussion on how people can learn to think outside of the box, globalisation, capitalism and neoliberalism "forces" them to do so.
  • Principles they use
    • Recognise particularity and contingency
    • Honour difference and otherness
    • Cultivate local capacity
  • "Developing an appreciation of positive possibilities in the visceral register of thinking and discourse" --> Seeing things positively to induce change


"Micropolitics can be understood as an "assemblage of techniques and disciplines that impinge on the lower register of sensibility and judgement without necessarily or immediately engaging the conscious intellect" (Connolly, 2001, p.33). One object of such a politics is what Connolly calls the "visceral" domain where "thought-imbued intensities below the reach of feeling" dispose the individual in a particular ways, with a seldom acknowledged impact on macropolitical interactions" (p.13).

"What we perceived as a "positive possibility in the visceral register" was the intersubjectively energized disposition to be moved, the willingness not to be attached to a single and centered narrative or set of emotions" (p.17).

"An ethos of engagement is an aspect of a politics of becoming, where subjects are made anew through engaging with others" (p.27).

"....the process involves waiting as well as cultivating" (p.27).

"...the relation of language and affect" (p.27).

"And trust can only be engendered through multiple opportunities for engagement (the terms she uses are "conversations" and "relationships")" (p.27). .... "how difficult is is to create a context of trust where things can actually be built... and you've just got to be patient... and it's just a lot of talk... and the people that are doers, that are too impatient, you just hold a place at the table for them." (p.28).

J.K. Gibson-Graham

Formele omschrijving

Summary on the article An Ethics of the Local (2001) forthcoming in Rethinking Marxism

Schema: ZHDSM scheme, Context: ZHDSM context
Verwant: ZHDSM The encounter
