Past Student Assignments



Investigating Flocculation Agents for Dow BV1 februari 201830 juni 2018CLOSED FOR APPLICATIONS - The Dow fresh water WWTP is suffering from poorly settling sludge, thereby limiting the plant's hydraulic treatment capacity. As the effluent quality is critical for reuse as cooling tower make-up, currently no chemical additives are applied to improve settling behavior of the activated sludge.

The objective of this study is to identify suitable coagulant/flocculation agents, which both improve settling properties and do not have a detrimental impact on the effluent quality. Lab testing using actual activated sludge and wastewater (by means of a jar-tester) is a key component of the task. Moreover the student is challenged to generate an effective cause-effect monitoring plan, comprising the characterization of incoming wastewater (by means of chemical or physical testing), determining activated sludge settling properties, and the suitability of coagulating/flocculating agents.

This assignment is suitable for graduation level. If you would like to find out more information about this assignment please contact Niels Groot.
Ion Exchange Lab Set-up1 september 201931 januari 2020HZ and Evides are studying the effects of various operational settings of the ion exchange (IEX) process on the demineralization efficiency and TOC (total organic carbon) removal. An automated lab setup is currently being put into place at HZ and various operational settings need to be tested, starting with demi water and inert resins, and expanding towards cation and anion resins combined with drinking water, including the regeneration processes. The current work incorporates installing system components, checking system integrity and testing process control and alarms with LabView. For more information on this assignment, please contact Hans Cappon.
Living Lab Biobased Brazil1 september 201931 januari 2020Are you interested in a project in Brazil? Please, have a look on the website!
Reverse Osmosis Lab Set-up15 januari 201830 april 2018CLOSED FOR APPLICATIONS - At this moment the Water Technology research group have an opening for a student to help us to optimise our small-scale Reverse Osmosis filtration unit. We would like a student to work on optimising this unit by adjusting feed flows, concentrations and operational parameters and drawing conclusions on the best operating conditions. The results of this internship will help the research group immensely as a well performing lab-scale RO unit can be used in various research projects.

We are looking for an enthusiastic, independent and hands-on student. It would help if the student has a background in chemistry / physics / water treatment technologies. However a willingness to learn would also be sufficient.

This assignment is suitable as an internship. Please contact Emma McAteer for more information.
TKI- Valorisation Wastewater Streams5 september 201631 januari 2017CLOSED FOR APPLICATIONS - Water purification of wastewater streams in the food industry and horticulture (and down stream processing) ask continuously for new (technological) solutions. These solutions are not only about the prevention of waste (realization of 0-emission), but are also about the production of valuable resources from wastewater. The intention of the TKI program ‘Valorisatie Reststromen’ is to develop products and applications with technology suppliers on one side and end-users on the other side. The main question to that is: How can residues selectively be removed from wastewater and which value can be given to these retained resources and the cleaned water?

Partners in this project include; Coroos, Lamb Weston Meijer, Evides, VAM Watertech and HZ. When possible, pilot experiments will be done on the spot. The research topics within this project include: 1. Detection (and removal) of micro-organisms in recirculation water of food industry and removal of micro-pollutants, mainly plant protection products. (Level: Minor / Internship) 2. Reuse of brine from RO concentrate, with an initial focus on removal of micro-pollutants. (Level: Minor / Internship) 3. Optimizing phosphate recovery from water used in food processing. (Level: Minor / Internship / Graduation)

Prerequisite: Interest in water quality analysis, microbiology or chemistry
Various Water Technology Internships at Evides Industrie Water17 september 201731 januari 2018CLOSED FOR APPLICATIONS - Evides Industrie Water have several internship possibilities for the upcoming semester. They are particularly interested in students who are willing to carry out research at their RINEW-pilot in Rotterdam.

Topics for the internships include: Corrosion guidelines for process waters, phosphate limitation in industrial wastewater treatment plants and trends in desalination plants.

For more information on these internships please contact Hans Cappon or Emma McAteer.
Yara Algae Project1 september 201931 januari 2020Yara Sluiskil is aiming to achieve zero emission. Therefore, we are working on novel water treatment methods which are more sustainable compared to conventional methods. Hence, algae for water treatment is studied using a pilot-scale open pond system in which algae are grown, thereby removing nitrogen pollutants from the water. At this point of the research, automation and optimization of the pond are essential, thereby aiming for a full-scale set-up. Optimization of algae growth factors and the operation of two ponds in series for water polishing will be the main topics. Are you interested in working in a varied research team aiming to build the first full-scale algae water treatment plant in the Netherlands? Then send your resume and motivational letter to Jennifer Kwaijtaal: Please note: Yara are looking for 2 interns for this position so multiple applications are welcome.