
"We got to move" is written by Hans de Bruin, Petra de Braal, Gabriëlle Rossing, Kim Boes, Martien Luteijn and Daniëlle Mostert-Al. The ideas and concepts put forward in "We got to move" are based on years of experience gained in social innovation projects conducted by the research group Expertise & Valorization Management of HZ University of Applied Sciences (HZ-EVM) and Solidarity University (SU).

Contact person: Hans de Bruin


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Copyright Notices and Credits

The chapter Critical Systems Thinking is a slighty adapted and translated version of chapter 31 - Kritische systeemtheorie - taken from the book Meer dan de som der delen (Brechtje Kessener en Leike van Oss, 1 januari 2019).

The chapter Soft Systems Thinking - Soft Systems Methdology contains figures from the book Learning for Action: A Short Definitive Account of Soft Systems Methodology and its use for Practitioners (Peter Checkland and John Poulter, 1 januari 2006) reproduced with permission granted by John Wiliey and Sons Limited.

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