Beyond Luhmann- Cybersemiotics
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- Lees hierna:
- Introduction to Cybersemiotics: A Transdisciplinary Perspective, Carlos Vidales and Søren Brier (eds), Springer, Part of the book series: Biosemiotics (BSEM, volume 21), 1 januari 2022.
- Peirce’s universal categories: On their potential for gesture theory and multimodal analysis, Irene Mittelberg, Semiotica 2019 (228), 1 maart 2019.
- Peirce’s Theory of Signs, Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 15 november 2010.
- Cybersemiotics: Why Information Is Not Enough, Søren Brier, University of Toronto Press; Reprint edition, 13 augustus 2013.
- From second-order cybernetics to cybersemiotics: A semiotic re-entry into the second-order cybernetics of Heinz von Foerster, Søren Brier, Systems Research, Volume13, Issue3, Pages 229-244, 1 september 1996.
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