
City Marketing Vlissingen
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The population composition of Vlissingen is out of balance: young people and middle incomes are underrepresented. For this reason, Vlissingen Marketing focuses on attracting and retaining highly educated young people to/in the city. In addition to attracting young families from outside Zeeland, the municipality of Vlissingen aims to bind students more to the city during their studies and to retain them after their studies.

The goal is to understand what is needed for student (both Dutch and International) stay in Vlissingen & Zeeland and how to make Vlissingen attractive for them. The end product could be an analysis and, above all, concrete proposals/ recommendations to make the city more attractive for students.

The main questions could look like: What are the most important factors for students to come and stay in Vlissingen both during their studies and after graduation? This project allows quite some freedom, not only in regards to collecting data, but also how the end product can look. What would make you stay in Vlissingen?

Client: Municipality Vlissingen

Delphy – Sweet Potato

Sweet potato is a product that has been in Dutch supermarkets for about 12 years now. For 98% this is import from the US, which is still growing steadily; it is a popular product, partly due to cooking magazines and its (healthy) image. Besides that, a new but voluminous track has also been developed for the processing industry (for example into chips or puree). However, mostly imported sweet potatoes are still used for this.

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The cultivation of sweet potato is expensive, the purchase of the planting material and the labor required already account for more than half of the cost price. In 2014 Delphy started a research in cultivation, mainly into the technical aspects of growing sweet potato, and in 2017, Dutch farmers and growers were able to scale up in the production of sweet potatoes.

What is currently missing is the appreciation and experience in the chain. People say they want a Dutch product, but at the end they import the American sweet potato. What is needed to get the Dutch sweet potato to the consumer?

Client: Delphy https://delphy.nl/en/

Electric Mobility – Scoot-E

The project is about electric mobility within the region of Zeeland. The client is very enthusiastic and passionate about electric mobility, and more precisely E-Scooters.

To give a more concrete direction, the following research questions have been created:


Possible main question:

How can electric mobility be stimulated in the Zeeland region?

Potential sub-questions:

- How big is the interest in electric scooters in Zeeland?

- What motivates people to switch from petrol to electric scooters?

- How do people search for electric scooters? (online/ offline?)

- What possibilities does B2B offer in stimulating electric mobility? (partnerships)

Client: Herman van Doorn, owner of Scoot-E Scoot-e – Elektrische scooters

Entrepreneurial promotion – Sluis
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Many parties are committed to the tourist promotion of the West Zeeuws Vlaanderen region. Most measurable is the subsidy provided by the municipality, but entrepreneurs also invest a lot in this. These investments are less measurable, but they contribute emphatically to the awareness of the region among (potential) guests. At the end of 2022, plans will be made for the tourist promotion of West Zeelandic Flanders for the coming years. The municipality considers it important that the costs for promotion are not only for the government. That is why the wish is now also to provide insight into the efforts of entrepreneurs.

To achieve this, random surveys are conducted among providers in the leisure domain in the municipality of Sluis.

First, different categories of providers are distinguished, according to type of offer (accommodation/entertainment/catering, etc.) and according to size (small/medium/large). Three to four entrepreneurs per category are asked about their commitment to promoting the region. Think of staff deployment (e.g. marketing employees), purchasing advertisements, production promotional material, information folders on arrival, etc. But we also ask about the reach of entrepreneurs, for example through circulation of promotional material, number of followers on social media, etc.

HZ Coastal Tourism Knowledge Center compiles the questionnaire in consultation with the municipality and the Gastvrij Zeeuws Vlaanderen Foundation. In addition, the Knowledge Center is responsible for compiling the database of entrepreneurs to be questioned.

Client: Knowledge Center for Coastal Tourism

Film by the Sea

Film by the Sea (FBTS) is an annual international film festival with the main theme of film and literature. The 24th edition took place from 9 to 18 September 2022. FBTS is the fourth film festival in the Netherlands and one of the most important cultural events in Zeeland. From 9 to 18 September 2022, a wide audience could enjoy about 140 films from all over the world. In addition, prizes were awarded by a Youth Jury, an International Student Jury and a jury for the best French language film. The festival attracts many visitors every year. Who these visitors are and what these visitors think of the festival is being investigated by HZ Knowledge Center Coastal Tourism. Last semester, a ‘Garage Colleague’ has been working on adapting and updating the questionnaire but also looked for best ways to distribute the questionnaire amongst visitors.

After collecting data, it is time for the analysis. How can the results best be presented and what do these results say? Data analysis skills are useful for this or can be improved by practicing with this dataset! After the analysis the findings were reported in a clear and attractive overview/report.

Client: FBTS and Knowledge Center for Coastal Tourism


Green Beach

The Groene Strand project (Green Beach Project) is a temporary project to improve the nature on Dutch beaches. The project focusses on collaboration between different stakeholders such as organisations, businesses and volunteers. These collaborations are solidified in “communities” who apply the 10 criteria of the project to the local situation to create beaches where nature is integrated in the activities on the beach. Beaches where the criteria and collaboration are completely implemented are awarded with a Green Beach Banner to show that that beach integrates nature in their activities.

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One of the goals of the Green Beach project is to have more natural materials on the beach. By switching from mechanical to manual cleaning more natural materials, such as seaweed, that washed ashore can stay on the beach. This natural material plays an important role as food and hiding place for insects who, on their turn are an important food source for shorebirds. Seaweed is also needed for new dunes to form, the dune plants use the seaweed as nutrients to grow and hold sand forming new dunes. One of the difficulties with convincing businesses/ entrepreneurs located on the beach is because nature is often not their focus. They have other things on their mind (mostly revenue) yet they are part of the (eco-)system of the beach. For this project the focus is specifically on businesses and entrepreneurs located on (and close to) beach sites and how nature education can enhance more value and awareness to their organization and its environment.

Client: Het Groene Strand

Polar Cruise – Oceanwide

One of the main concerns of cruise expedition companies who sail to the Arctic and Antarctic is how to find the right balance between providing tourists with the unforgettable experience of visiting the polar regions while at the same time minimizing any environmental impact that may be caused by too much tourist flows to such extremely vulnerable areas of the planet. In Europe, Netherlands based Oceanwide Expeditions offers this type of experiences to travelers with a wide range of fitness level and for this they use their own fleet of ice strengthened vessels. Travelers get to enjoy the cruise trip to these remote areas and to spend shore time to get to know the polar environments more deeply.

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Oceanwide is committed to play a contributing role in achieving a sustainable polar planet. It is therefore the purpose of this study to elaborate on the possibilities that technological and business model innovations can bring about and the opportunities to a more sustainable polar expedition industry. In fewer words, it is about supporting this industry in finding a way to promote an unforgettable tourist experience while using a less invasive way (through technology) to explore the landscape.

Client: Oceanwide and HZ University of Applied Sciences


Speelboerderij (play farm) Klok’uus has a large indoor and outdoor playground for children. But not only do they offer fun for children. Klok’uus also offers activities such as lasergaming, paintball, solex tours and farmers golf for adults. In a beautiful setting between the orchards and the Poelbos you will find Klok'uus in Zeeland, near Goes. In addition they have a restaurant with big terrace where they serve meals prepared from regional products.

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Nineteen years ago, Klok'uus was still a farm with apple and pear orchards. This beautiful environment makes Klok'uus perfect as a base for a relaxing day out. Klok'uus stands for a day out for the whole family, in which hospitality is central.

As Klok’uus offers many different activities, it is not surprising that many people with different needs and wishes visit. To get a better understanding of who these people are and what they wish, a target group analysis is needed. In addition to this, the research will focus on sustainability, and how the organization can offer sustainable practices. In this project it is asked to get a better insight in the target groups, by creating a customer journey and collecting questionnaires. To what extent do visitors wish for sustainable practices and how can these be integrated in their customer journey?

Client: Klok’uus https://www.klokuus.com/en/
