8 februari 2021
In 2020 Norfolk County Council (NCC) and Great Yarmouth Borough Council have focused on developing good strategic connections with their potential stakeholders. They planned a robust, but also flexible methodology for business engagement and consultation. At the end of last year, Norfolk County Council initiated pre-consultation discussions with companies such as Ozarka and Hubbub, who are great examples of green practices and circular business solutions. This allows them to develop a greater understanding of how they can best develop pilots to capitalize on lessons learned and their aspirations for bottom-up engagement.
Norfolk County Council has also been carrying out ongoing research with businesses and fellow district councils to assess the benefits Smart Bins offer: such as increased bin capacity, solar-powered compacting technology, WIFI connectivity, and anti-vandalism technology. They worked with their Waste Teams on the ground in Norfolk coastal locations such as Hemsby to allow themselves to better understand the day-to-day challenges the teams encounter during refuse collection, particularly in the high season. The Waste Teams collected extensive date on bin collection and capacity during the summer months. This data is used to address the age-old issue of overflowing street bins in high foot-fall locations. By mapping the most heavily used bins, they plan to procure and trial the use of smart bins and integrated collection technologies in the coming year. An exciting venture that will significantly help streamline refuse collection for greater efficiency of manpower and resources.
Through project ‘FACET’ Norfolk County Council and Great Yarmouth Borough Council want to reach out to local businesses and entrepreneurs to help them find smarter ways to reduce, reuse and recycle. They are looking to talk with businesses in the Great Yarmouth area who would like support to become more sustainable – from reducing overheads, avoiding wastage to helping keep the regions beaches clean.
If you are a business or entrepreneur from Great Yarmouth interested in sharing your experiences or are keen to trial new green-schemes and integrated solutions Norfolk County Council want to hear from you.
To find out more, contact Jacqueline Zavala:
Email: jacqueline.zavala2@norfolk.gov.uk| Phone: +44 (0)1603 222977