Reduce food waste

Too Good To Go connects users with merchants who are stuck with unsold products at the end of the day, allowing users to enjoy those products instead of throwing them away. Users get delicious products at democratic prices, companies see their customer base grow and the planet wins too - a win-win-win situation.

Reduce food waste


  • Country: Netherlands
  • Type of provider: Campsite
  • Focus:
    • Reduce: Too Good To Go connects users with merchants who are stuck with unsold products at the end of the day, allowing users to enjoy those products instead of throwing them away.

Summary of the project

Nobody likes to throw away food, but the reality is different. Wasting food has become a part of our lives that no one pays attention to. At Too Good To Go they couldn't stand it anymore when 1/3 of our food produced ended up in the trash and decided something had to be done. A convincing start to the story.

The idea of using technology to connect people and convince them that food waste was something to combat comes from Denmark. That idea then quickly transferred to a few ambitious entrepreneurs all over Europe. With the same ambition and passion to do something about our food system, they came up with a simple solution: connecting people at the right time and in the right place to fight against food waste.

It's win-win-win; food-people-planet concept became the epitome of a company that gives back more than it consumes, can make an impact without harming and helping everyone do something right - where enjoyment is key!

Food waste is putting our planet under tremendous pressure. Entire areas of forest are being cleared to make way for agriculture and produce that will not be eaten. In addition, numerous scientific articles have already appeared in which food that is wasted in an unsustainable way causes harmful substances to be released.

The To Good To Go app is currently the largest marketplace where consumers can find unsold fresh products. Too Good To Go connects users with merchants who are stuck with unsold products at the end of the day, allowing users to enjoy those products instead of throwing them away. Users get delicious products at democratic prices, companies see their customer base grow and the planet wins too - a win-win-win situation.

By rescuing unsold products through Too Good To Go, you support the power of change. A planet without food waste is a better planet. Together we make that happen!


Too Good To Go works with 50,000 restaurants, bakeries, supermarkets and hotels in 15 different countries to take action against food waste.

More information

Do you want to know more about this organization? Please visit their website: Facebook:


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