FRAMES Interreg NSR logo.jpg

In FRAMES, we looked at how Multi-Layer Safety, or MLS, can improve the overall resilience of areas, communities and authorities in 16 pilot areas. Using a transnational learning evaluation approach, all pilots projects were evaluated and compared. Next to that, transnational focus groups were organized to evaluate and learn from transnational results. This learning process allowed us to generate new insights to support future decision making and show innovative solutions to improve society’s ability to cope with flooding. FRAMES ran from October 2016 till July 2020.

FRAMES Interreg NSR logo.jpg

Pilot projects

Work packages


About6 februari 2019About FRAMES.
Belgium1 oktober 201630 april 2020Within FRAMES, the Province of East-Flanders and Ghent University will investigate the possibilities of individual and community-based flood risk action and how it can be encouraged. In the flood-prone areas of Ninove, Geraardsbergen and Denderleeuw, participatory planning processes will unite inhabitants to explore the possibilities of this type of measures, their potential co-benefits and how citizens’ capacities can be strengthened to implement them.
Decision Support System1 oktober 201630 april 2020A road map to help involved authorities identify how governance relates to the resilience of flood prone areas.
Denmark1 oktober 201630 april 2020FRAMES enables the Danish Coastal Authority ( DCA) to exchange and share new knowledge and experiences from applied methods and actions with respect to flood risk management. Furthermore, the DCA will gain practice-based insight into spatial planning, emergency response and recovery processes concerning flood risk- and crisis management.
Final products24 april 2020Final products of the FRAMES project can be found here: the Layman's report, the Policy recommendations report, the Transnational monitoring and evaluation report, dissemination material,
Germany1 oktober 201630 april 2020In this pilot, we will focus on the Wesermarsch region in the northwest of Germany. The Wesermarsch is surrounded on three sides by water: the Jade Bay on the western side, and the Weser river on the east which flows into the North Sea. There are two streams in the south, Hunte and Untere Ollen, that flow into the Weser river. FRAMES will strengthen layers 2 (pro-action/ prevention via spatial planning) and 3 (preparation & response) in this region, and the actors will be provided with the outcomes of this project that will enable them to implement more balanced FRM strategies in the Wesermarsch region.
Glossary9 juli 2019Glossary
Pilots1 oktober 201631 juli 2020In FRAMES, we looked at how Multi-Layer Safety, or MLS, can improve the overall resilience of areas, communities and authorities in 16 pilot areas. Via a learning evaluation approach pilots are compared and transnational focus groups are organized to evaluate and learn from transnational (intermediate) results. This learning process allowed us to generate new insights, support future decision making and show innovative solutions to improve society’s ability to cope with flooding. FRAMES ran from October 2016 till July 2020.
The Netherlands1 oktober 201631 juli 2020The province of Zeeland is situated in the southwest of the Netherlands. It is bounded to Belgium on the south, the province of South-Holland on the north, the province of North-Brabant on the east and the North Sea on the west. Two estuaries cross the province: the Oosterschelde and the Westerschelde. The importance of the sea for the shaping of the province is well expressed in its name: Zee-land (literally translates to Sea-land), which indicates the situation of the province on the edge of water and land.
Toolkit10 juli 2019
United Kingdom1 oktober 201630 april 2020FRAMES will demonstrate, across a diverse range of target sites, the multiple benefits that a catchment-based MLS approach can achieve. This will help to increase confidence in the approach and promote its use more widely. FRAMES will help the Rivers Trust develop the skills, tools, approaches and partnerships needed to build capability within the Rivers Trust and CaBA (Catchment Based Approach) network to support communities in delivery of MLS and catchment-based flood risk management.


Bronnen gemaakt op deze pagina

 Pagina naamTitelAuteur(s)Datum
Resource Hyperlink 00270Resource Hyperlink 00270FRAMES' WebspaceNorth Sea Regionoktober 1, 2016
Resource Hyperlink 00351Resource Hyperlink 00351LinkedIn-groep FRAMESBianca Groot e.a.mei 21, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00352Resource Hyperlink 00352Twitter-account FRAMESAnoniemmei 21, 2019

Alle bronnen voor dit project

 Pagina naamTitelAuteur(s)Datum
00 Kent CCRiA Part 1 VF.pdfBestand:00 Kent CCRiA Part 1 VF.pdfClimate Change Risk and Impact Assessment for Kent and Medway Part 1: Methodology and Summary of FindingsKCCnovember 1, 2019
01 Agriculture section vF.pdfBestand:01 Agriculture section vF.pdfCCRiA agricultureKCCnovember 1, 2019
02 Industry section vF.pdfBestand:02 Industry section vF.pdfCCRiA industryKCCnovember 1, 2019
03 People and the Built Environment section VF.pdfBestand:03 People and the Built Environment section VF.pdfCCRiA people and the built environmentKCCnovember 1, 2019
04 Natural Environment section vF.pdfBestand:04 Natural Environment section vF.pdfCCRiA natural environmentKCCnovember 1, 2019
05 Transport section VF.pdfBestand:05 Transport section VF.pdfCCRiA transportKCCnovember 1, 2019
06 Utilities section VF.pdfBestand:06 Utilities section VF.pdfCCRiA utilitiesKCCnovember 1, 2019
200407-frames policy recommendations a4 v4.pdfBestand:200407-frames policy recommendations a4 v4.pdfFRAMES: Policy recommendations for an integrated approach to flood managementFRAMESmaart 31, 2020
200615 infographic 2020 Frames-def.pdfBestand:200615 infographic 2020 Frames-def.pdfInfographic FRAMESFRAMESjuni 16, 2020
20170911 Eindrapport Meerlaagsveiligheid A5H.pdfBestand:20170911 Eindrapport Meerlaagsveiligheid A5H.pdf20170911 Eindrapport Meerlaagsveiligheid A5HBram van der Hulst, Sietske Voets, Steven ten Hovennovember 9, 2017
20191126133808 190909stakeholder report diss.pdfBestand:20191126133808 190909stakeholder report diss.pdfStakeholder analysis report FRAMESFRAMES Consortiumjanuari 1, 2020
21 lustrum.pdfBestand:21 lustrum.pdfCase study 21. Lustrum Beck Flood Alleviation Scheme: Phase 2Joe Reed, Ted Thomasnovember 5, 2018
27 WGIITAR FINAL.pdfBestand:27 WGIITAR FINAL.pdfClimate Change 2001: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability.McCarthy, J.J., Canziani, O.F., Leary, N.A., Dokken, D.J., White, K.S. (Eds.)januari 1, 2001
6449.7455.2 24 6 2019.pdfBestand:6449.7455.2 24 6 2019.pdfStroomgebiedbeheerplan voor de Schelde 2016-2021. Bekkenspecifiek deel DenderbekkenVlaamse Milieumaatschappijjanuari 1, 2016
7 DENDER Inventarisatie overstromingen nov2010 LR.pdfBestand:7 DENDER Inventarisatie overstromingen nov2010 LR.pdfEvaluatie inventarisatie overstromingen november 2010 Denderbekken. Integraal Waterbeleid. Bekken van de Dender. Hoofdstuk 2.3. Bekkenvoortgangsrapport 2010. DenderbekkenAnoniemjanuari 1, 2011
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Adger 2006.pdfBestand:Adger 2006.pdfVulnerabililtyAdger, W.N.februari 15, 2006
Analysing and evaluating flood risk governance in Belgium Dealing with flood risks in an urbanised and institutionally complex country.pdfBestand:Analysing and evaluating flood risk governance in Belgium Dealing with flood risks in an urbanised and institutionally complex country.pdfAnalysing and evaluating flood risk governance in BelgiumMees, H., Suykens, C., Beyers, J-C., Crabbé, A., Delvaux, B., Deketelaere, K.maart 31, 2016
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Artikel voor blad conceptueel 2018 Engels.pdfBestand:Artikel voor blad conceptueel 2018 Engels.pdfConceptueel article FRAMES englishNelen and Schuurmansmei 20, 2018
Bormann et al 2013.pdfBestand:Bormann et al 2013.pdfAdaptive water management in coastal areas: From climate impact assessment to decision makingBormann, H., F. Ahlhorn and T. Klenkemei 27, 2013
Buijs et al 2018.pdfBestand:Buijs et al 2018.pdfAdaptive planning for flood resilient areas: dealing with complexity in decision-making about multilayered flood risk managementBuijs, Jean-Marie; Luuk Boelens, Helge Bormann, Britta Restemeyer, Teun Terpstra, Tom van der Voornapril 24, 2018
Business Continuity factsheet.pdfBestand:Business Continuity factsheet.pdfBusiness continuity factsheetKCCapril 23, 2020
CELEX 52004DC0702 EN TXT.pdfBestand:CELEX 52004DC0702 EN TXT.pdfEU Critical Infrastructure Protection in the fight against terrorismEuropean Commissionoktober 20, 2004
Climate Change factsheet.pdfBestand:Climate Change factsheet.pdfFactsheet climate changeKCCapril 23, 2020
Cold weather factsheet.pdfBestand:Cold weather factsheet.pdfFactsheet cold weatherKCCapril 23, 2020
Community analysis Kent.pdfBestand:Community analysis Kent.pdfCommunity Flood Vulnerability and Disadvantage in Kent and MedwayKent County Counciljuli 1, 2019
Community analysis VF.pdfBestand:Community analysis VF.pdfCommunity Flood Vulnerability and Disadvantage in Kent and MedwayKCCjuli 1, 2019
Comparing the flood resilience of Southwell with the Dutch MLS approach (verbeterde versie).pdfBestand:Comparing the flood resilience of Southwell with the Dutch MLS approach (verbeterde versie).pdfExploratory study Southwell pilot by HZ studentsStudents of HZ University of Applied Sciencesjanuari 20, 2017
Comparison-of-countries.pdfBestand:Comparison-of-countries.pdfComparing flood risk governance in six European countries: strategies, arrangements and institutional dynamicsMatczak, P., Wiering M., Lewandowski , J., Schellenberger, T., Trémorin J.-B., Crabbé, A., Ganzevoort, W., Kaufmann, M., Larrue, C., Liefferink, D. and Mees, H.februari 26, 2016
DRF Guide.pdfBestand:DRF Guide.pdfDRG guide 2020ACP, EU, The World Bank and GDFRRmaart 1, 2020
Drought factsheet.pdfBestand:Drought factsheet.pdfFactsheet droughtKCCapril 23, 2020
ESP13 2010 459.pdfBestand:ESP13 2010 459.pdfAdaptive capacity wheel Gupta et al 2010Gupta et aljanuari 10, 2010
EU Floods Directive.pdfBestand:EU Floods Directive.pdfEU Floods DirectiveEUjanuari 1, 2007
Eindrapport Frames Zeeland English version def.pdfBestand:Eindrapport Frames Zeeland English version def.pdfWater Resilient Electricity Network Zeeland Final reportNelen en Schuurmansjuli 25, 2018
Evaluation of the Belgian FRAMES Final version.pdfBestand:Evaluation of the Belgian FRAMES Final version.pdfEvaluation of the Belgian FRAMES pilotsGoosse, T. and Luuk Boelensapril 21, 2020
FRAMES Draagvlak Evacuatie HZ Definitief.pdfBestand:FRAMES Draagvlak Evacuatie HZ Definitief.pdfFRAMES Draagvlak EvacuatieTerpstra and Buijsapril 30, 2020
FRAMES Monitoring Survey 1 Alblasserwaard Completed.pdfBestand:FRAMES Monitoring Survey 1 Alblasserwaard Completed.pdfMonitoring survey FramesSmeets, L., Neefjes, P., Revet, C. & Wijnen, D.september 6, 2018
FRAMES Monitoring Survey 10A Vejle Completed.pdfBestand:FRAMES Monitoring Survey 10A Vejle Completed.pdfFRAMES Monitoring survey VejleThomson, Jumppanen Andersen and Geertsenjanuari 9, 2019
FRAMES Monitoring Survey 11 Wesermarsch completed.pdfBestand:FRAMES Monitoring Survey 11 Wesermarsch completed.pdfFRAMES_Monitoring_Survey_11_Wesermarsch_completed.pdfFRAMESseptember 1, 2019
FRAMES Monitoring Survey 12 Ninove Completed.pdfBestand:FRAMES Monitoring Survey 12 Ninove Completed.pdfFRAMES Baseline monitor survey NinoveMees and Tempelsjanuari 1, 2017
FRAMES Monitoring Survey 13 Denderleeuw Completed.pdfBestand:FRAMES Monitoring Survey 13 Denderleeuw Completed.pdfMonitoring survey 13 DenderleeuwMees, H. and B. Tempelsjanuari 9, 2019
FRAMES Monitoring Survey 14 Medway SERT FINAL.pdfBestand:FRAMES Monitoring Survey 14 Medway SERT FINAL.pdfFRAMES Monitoring survey 14 MedwaySERT and Environment Agency UK12019-02-11
FRAMES Monitoring Survey 16 Southwell.pdfBestand:FRAMES Monitoring Survey 16 Southwell.pdfFRAMES Monitoring survey SouthwellWells and Lambertjanuari 1, 2017
FRAMES Monitoring Survey 2 Kent Completed.pdfBestand:FRAMES Monitoring Survey 2 Kent Completed.pdfMonitoring survey 2 Kent FRAMESKent County Councilseptember 1, 2019
FRAMES Monitoring Survey 4 Lustrum Beck Completed.pdfBestand:FRAMES Monitoring Survey 4 Lustrum Beck Completed.pdfLustrum Beck Baseline survey 4 FRAMESBen Lambjanuari 1, 2017
FRAMES Monitoring Survey 6 Zeeland Flood proof electricity grid Completed.docxBestand:FRAMES Monitoring Survey 6 Zeeland Flood proof electricity grid Completed.docxBaseline monitor ZeelandSchumacher, E. and A. Leskensoktober 31, 2017
FRAMES Monitoring Survey 7 Zeeland Reimerswaal Completed.pdfBestand:FRAMES Monitoring Survey 7 Zeeland Reimerswaal Completed.pdfBaseline MONITORING SURVEY FRAMES – Baseline measurement – Pilot: Zeeland - ReimerswaalAkkermans, R. and I. de Kubberjanuari 9, 2019
FRAMES Monitoring Survey 8 Zeeland Sloegebied Completed.pdfBestand:FRAMES Monitoring Survey 8 Zeeland Sloegebied Completed.pdfFRAMES Monitoring survey 8 Zeeland SloegebiedAkkermans and de Kubberoktober 31, 2017
FRAMES Monitoring Survey 9 Roskilde Completed.pdfBestand:FRAMES Monitoring Survey 9 Roskilde Completed.pdfBaseline survey 9 Roskilde FRAMESMartin Jebens, Mie Thomsen, Susanne Berendtjanuari 9, 2019
FRAMES Pilot Sloegebied final report.pdfBestand:FRAMES Pilot Sloegebied final report.pdfFRAMES Pilot Sloegebied final reportHKV Lijn in Wateroktober 30, 2019
FRAMES Roadmap.pdfBestand:FRAMES Roadmap.pdfVorbereitet sein!Jade Universitydecember 19, 2019
FRAMES literature review VF.pdfBestand:FRAMES literature review VF.pdfHealth and social care literature review Kent and Medway FRAMESKCCmaart 1, 2019
Final Report Draft 1.0 Vejle.pdfBestand:Final Report Draft 1.0 Vejle.pdfExploratory study Vejle pilot by HZ studentsStudents of HZ University of Applied Sciencesjanuari 20, 2017
Final Research Denderleeuw Research Assignment (verbeterde versie).pdfBestand:Final Research Denderleeuw Research Assignment (verbeterde versie).pdfExploratory study Denderleeuw pilot by HZ studentsStudents of HZ University of Applied Sciencesjanuari 20, 2017
Final report Wesermarsch research PDF.pdfBestand:Final report Wesermarsch research PDF.pdfExploratory study Wesermarsch pilot by HZ studentsStudents of HZ University of Applied Sciencesjanuari 20, 2017
Flood Resilience Rose 2 pager for project and pilot coordinators.pdfBestand:Flood Resilience Rose 2 pager for project and pilot coordinators.pdfFlood Resilience Rose 2 pager for project and pilot coordinatorsKlenke, T., B. Restemeyer and L. Karraschdecember 6, 2018
Flood-response-plan Kent.pdfBestand:Flood-response-plan Kent.pdfFlood response plan KentKent County Counciljuli 1, 2017
Frames Pilotbook mei19.pdfBestand:Frames Pilotbook mei19.pdfFRAMES pilotbook 2019FRAMESmei 1, 2019
Frames pilotbook may19.pdfBestand:Frames pilotbook may19.pdfFRAMES Pilotbook 2019FRAMESmei 1, 2019
Geodesign the Multi-layered Water Safety Sophronides P.pdfBestand:Geodesign the Multi-layered Water Safety Sophronides P.pdfGeodesign the multi-layered water safetySophronides, Panayiotisjanuari 1, 2016
Great Yarmouth Norfolk End of project report.pdfBestand:Great Yarmouth Norfolk End of project report.pdfGreat Yarmouth Norfolk End of project reportNational Flood Forummaart 3, 2020
Guide-to-dynamic-planning-of-climate-adaptation-and-management-of-the-risk-of-flooding-in-municipalities eng.pdfBestand:Guide-to-dynamic-planning-of-climate-adaptation-and-management-of-the-risk-of-flooding-in-municipalities eng.pdfGuide to dynamic planning Assens VejleDanish Coastal Authoritymei 30, 2020
HZ Exchange Visit Presentation.pdfBestand:HZ Exchange Visit Presentation.pdfHZ Kent presentation 2019Kent County Counciljuli 1, 2019
Handleiding 3D viewer Zeeland.pdfBestand:Handleiding 3D viewer Zeeland.pdfHandleiding 3D viewer ZeelandFuture Insightjuni 30, 2020
Heatwaves factsheet.pdfBestand:Heatwaves factsheet.pdfFactsheet heatwavesKCCapril 23, 2020
Helping hands - Study community capacity during flooding A5H.pdfBestand:Helping hands - Study community capacity during flooding A5H.pdfHelping handsvan Popering-Verkerk, J., G. Koers, A. Janssen, M. Duijnaugustus 6, 2020
Hoss et al 2011.pdfBestand:Hoss et al 2011.pdfHoss et al. 2011Hoss, Fraukejanuari 1, 2011
INFO Sheet SFRI.pdfBestand:INFO Sheet SFRI.pdfSocial Flood Risk IndexClimate Justnovember 27, 2019
Kebschull et al 2019 Wasser Abfall LW.pdfBestand:Kebschull et al 2019 Wasser Abfall LW.pdfKebschull et al 2019 Wasser Afbfall LWKebschull, J.januari 1, 2019
KlijnKreibichdeMoelandPenning-RowsellAdaptiveflodriskmanagemntplanning.pdfBestand:KlijnKreibichdeMoelandPenning-RowsellAdaptiveflodriskmanagemntplanning.pdfAdaptive flood risk management planning based on a comprehensive flood risk conceptualisationKlijn et al.maart 12, 2015
LP668 Jyllinge Nordmark FORSLAG.pdfBestand:LP668 Jyllinge Nordmark FORSLAG.pdfJyllinge Nordmark, Lokalplan 668Roskillde Kommuneoktober 23, 2017
MedwayFloodActionPlan FullActionPlan.pdfBestand:MedwayFloodActionPlan FullActionPlan.pdfMedway Flood Action PlanEnvironment Agencynovember 1, 2017
Monitoring the Impacts of Severe Weather 2019.pdfBestand:Monitoring the Impacts of Severe Weather 2019.pdfSWIMS report 2019KCCjanuari 1, 2020
PR3914.10 Pilot Sloegebied - Engelse samenvatting.pdfBestand:PR3914.10 Pilot Sloegebied - Engelse samenvatting.pdfFRAMES Pilot Sloegebied Engelse samenvattingKolen, Rongen and Zethofseptember 30, 2019
PhD BarbaraTempels.pdfBestand:PhD BarbaraTempels.pdfFlood resilience: a co-evolutionary approach : residents, spatial developments and flood risk management in the Dender BasinTempels, B.januari 1, 2016
Pilot reimerswaal finalreport-gecomprimeerd.pdfBestand:Pilot reimerswaal finalreport-gecomprimeerd.pdfFRAMES final report ReimerswaalWitteveen Bosapril 14, 2019
Preparing Kinderdijk for the future (verbeterde versie).pdfBestand:Preparing Kinderdijk for the future (verbeterde versie).pdfExploratory study Albasserwaard pilot by HZ studentsStudents of HZ University of Applied Sciencesjanuari 20, 2017
Report 5.A School program.pdfBestand:Report 5.A School program.pdfIncrease flood awareness through a school programGoosse, T.november 1, 2019
Resource Bibliographic Reference 00013Resource Bibliographic Reference 00013Medway Natural Flood Management Partnership. Strategic Outline Case. Short Form Business CaseSERTjanuari 1, 2017
Resource Bibliographic Reference 00016Resource Bibliographic Reference 00016PilotbookFRAMESmaart 20, 2017
Resource Bibliographic Reference 00017Resource Bibliographic Reference 00017Pers. comm.FRAMESjanuari 14, 2019
Resource Bibliographic Reference 00018Resource Bibliographic Reference 00018Interview with pilot managerAnonymousjanuari 6, 2019
Resource Bibliographic Reference 00019Resource Bibliographic Reference 00019Water Resilient Electricity Network Zeeland Final reportNelen and Schuurmansjuli 25, 2018
Resource Bibliographic Reference 00020Resource Bibliographic Reference 00020Adaptive Planning for Flood Resilient Areas : Dealing with Complexity in Decision-Making about Multilayered Flood Risk ManagementBuijs et al.juni 11, 2019
Resource Bibliographic Reference 00021Resource Bibliographic Reference 00021Adaptive water management in coastal areas: From climate impact assessment to decision making. Impacts World 2013, International Conference on Climate Change EffectsBormann, H., Ahlhorn, F.juni 11, 2019
Resource Bibliographic Reference 00022Resource Bibliographic Reference 00022Interview with pilot manager WesermarschSimona Cosoveanu, F.januari 23, 2019
Resource Bibliographic Reference 00023Resource Bibliographic Reference 00023FRAMES pilotbook 2019FRAMESmei 30, 2019
Resource Bibliographic Reference 00024Resource Bibliographic Reference 00024FRAMES_Monitoring_Survey_11_Wesermarsch_completed.pdfFRAMESjanuari 9, 2019
Resource Bibliographic Reference 00025Resource Bibliographic Reference 00025FRAMES_Monitoring_Survey_11_Wesermarsch_completed.pdfFRAMESjanuari 9, 2019
Resource Bibliographic Reference 00026Resource Bibliographic Reference 00026FRAMES_Monitoring_Survey_6_Zeeland_Flood_proof_electricity_grid_CompletedFRAMESjanuari 9, 2019
Resource Bibliographic Reference 00027Resource Bibliographic Reference 00027Baseline monitor ZeelandAkkermans and de Kubberjanuari 9, 2017
Resource Bibliographic Reference 00028Resource Bibliographic Reference 00028Stroomgebiedbeheerplan voor de Schelde 2016-2021Vlaams Milieumaatschappijjanuari 1, 2016
Resource Bibliographic Reference 00029Resource Bibliographic Reference 00029https://www.aquaflanders.beAquaflandersjuni 25, 2019
Resource Bibliographic Reference 00030Resource Bibliographic Reference 00030Flood resilience: a co-evolutionary approach : residents, spatial developments and flood risk management in the Dender BasinTempels, B.januari 1, 2016
Resource Bibliographic Reference 00031Resource Bibliographic Reference 00031Analysing and evaluating flood risk governance in BelgiumMees, H., Suykens, C., Beyers, J-C., Crabbé, A., Delvaux, B., Deketelaeremaart 31, 2016
Resource Hyperlink 00270Resource Hyperlink 00270FRAMES' WebspaceNorth Sea Regionoktober 1, 2016
Resource Hyperlink 00315Resource Hyperlink 00315Testlinkikjanuari 10, 2018
Resource Hyperlink 00316Resource Hyperlink 00316tweede testlinkanoniemjanuari 29, 2018
Resource Hyperlink 00317Resource Hyperlink 00317testkoppeling3anoniemjanuari 30, 2018
Resource Hyperlink 00341Resource Hyperlink 00341Province of ZeelandProvince of Zeelandmaart 14, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00344Resource Hyperlink 00344Pilotbook FRAMES 2017Anon.maart 20, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00351Resource Hyperlink 00351LinkedIn-groep FRAMESBianca Groot e.a.mei 21, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00352Resource Hyperlink 00352Twitter-account FRAMESAnoniemmei 21, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00354Resource Hyperlink 00354RijkswaterstaatRijkswaterstaatjuni 5, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00356Resource Hyperlink 00356Safety region ZeelandSafety region Zeelandjuni 5, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00357Resource Hyperlink 00357Gemeente ReimerswaalGemeente Reimerswaaljuni 5, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00358Resource Hyperlink 00358Waterschap ScheldestromenWaterschap Scheldestromenjuni 5, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00359Resource Hyperlink 00359HZ University of Applied SciencesHZ University of Applied Sciencesjuni 5, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00360Resource Hyperlink 00360ProrailProrailjuni 5, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00361Resource Hyperlink 00361EndurisEndurisjuni 5, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00365Resource Hyperlink 00365Statistisches BundesamtStatistisches Bundesamtjuni 11, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00366Resource Hyperlink 00366NIBISNIBISjuni 11, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00367Resource Hyperlink 00367Niedersächsisches BodeninformationssystemLBEGjuni 11, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00368Resource Hyperlink 00368Wasser & AbfallWasserjuni 11, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00379Resource Hyperlink 00379Municipality HulstMunicipality Hulstjuni 13, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00380Resource Hyperlink 00380Ministry of Infrastructure & Water ManagementMinistry of Infrastructurejuni 13, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00381Resource Hyperlink 00381TenneTTenneTjuni 13, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00382Resource Hyperlink 00382EndurisEndurisjuni 13, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00383Resource Hyperlink 00383Nelen&SchuurmansNelenmei 6, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00384Resource Hyperlink 00384Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate PolicyMinistry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policyjuni 13, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00385Resource Hyperlink 00385Nationale OmgevingsvisieNationale Omgevingsvisiejuni 13, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00386Resource Hyperlink 00386Climate Effect AtlasClimate Effect Atlasjuni 13, 0209 JL
Resource Hyperlink 00387Resource Hyperlink 00387DeltaDeltajuni 13, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00388Resource Hyperlink 00388DNWGDNWGjuni 13, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00389Resource Hyperlink 00389AHN2AHN2juni 13, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00390Resource Hyperlink 00390RAAKRAAKjuni 12, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00391Resource Hyperlink 00391RAAKRAAKjuni 12, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00392Resource Hyperlink 00392Witteveen + BosWitteveen Bosjuni 13, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00393Resource Hyperlink 00393Vitale Assets toolVitale Assets tooljuni 13, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00394Resource Hyperlink 00394Circle toolCircle tooljuni 13, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00395Resource Hyperlink 00395DeltaresDeltaresjuni 13, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00396Resource Hyperlink 00396EcorysEcorysjuni 13, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00397Resource Hyperlink 00397Jade University of Applied SciencesJade University of Applied Sciencesjuni 12, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00398Resource Hyperlink 00398DLRGDLRGjuni 12, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00399Resource Hyperlink 00399DRKDRKjuni 13, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00400Resource Hyperlink 00400THWTHWjuni 13, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00401Resource Hyperlink 00401JohanniterJohanniterjuni 13, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00402Resource Hyperlink 00402FFFFjuni 13, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00403Resource Hyperlink 00403Oldenburgischer Deichband IOldenburgischer Deichband Ijuni 13, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00404Resource Hyperlink 00404Oldenburgischer deichband IIOldenburgischer deichband IIjuni 13, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00405Resource Hyperlink 00405Kreisverband Wesermarsch der Wasser- und BodenverbändeKreisverband Wesermarsch der Wasser- und Bodenverbändejuni 12, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00406Resource Hyperlink 00406BundeswehrBundeswehrjuni 13, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00407Resource Hyperlink 00407EWEEWEjuni 13, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00408Resource Hyperlink 00408NLWKNNLWKNjuni 13, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00409Resource Hyperlink 00409Entwasserungsverband JadeEntwasserungsverband Jadejuni 13, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00410Resource Hyperlink 00410Entwasserungsverband StedingenEntwasserungsverband Stedingenjuni 13, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00411Resource Hyperlink 00411Braker SielachtBraker Sielachtjuni 13, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00412Resource Hyperlink 00412Entwasserungsverband ButjadingenEntwasserungsverband Butjadingenjuni 13, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00413Resource Hyperlink 00413Stadlander SielachtStadlander Sielachtjuni 13, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00414Resource Hyperlink 00414Mooriem Ohmsteder SielachtMooriem Ohmsteder Sielachtjuni 13, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00415Resource Hyperlink 00415Veterinary authorityVeterinary authorityjuni 13, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00416Resource Hyperlink 00416LandvolkLandvolkjuni 13, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00417Resource Hyperlink 00417NportsHarbour Oldenburgjuni 13, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00418Resource Hyperlink 00418Water Framework DirectiveWater Framework Directivejuni 13, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00419Resource Hyperlink 00419EU Floods DirectiveEU Floods Directivejuni 13, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00420Resource Hyperlink 00420LAWALAWAapril 13, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00421Resource Hyperlink 00421Ministry of Environment, Energy, Building and Climate ProtectionMinistry of Environment, Energy, Building and Climate Protectionjuni 13, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00422Resource Hyperlink 00422LAVESLAVESmei 13, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00423Resource Hyperlink 00423Katwarn AppKatwarn Appjuni 13, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00424Resource Hyperlink 00424OOWVOOWVjuni 13, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00427Resource Hyperlink 00427Flood resilience: a co-evolutionary approach : residents, spatial developments and flood risk management in the Dender BasinTempels, B.december 5, 2016
Resource Hyperlink 00428Resource Hyperlink 00428Municipality of DenderleeuwMunicipality of Denderleeuwfebruari 5, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00429Resource Hyperlink 00429Department OmgevingDepartment Omgevingjuni 25, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00430Resource Hyperlink 00430De Vlaamse WaterwegDe Vlaamse Waterwegjuni 25, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00431Resource Hyperlink 00431Flanders Environment AgencyFlanders Environment Agencyjuni 25, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00432Resource Hyperlink 00432Province of East-FlandersProvince of East-Flandersmei 25, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00433Resource Hyperlink 00433AquafinAquafinjuni 25, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00434Resource Hyperlink 00434NatuurpuntNatuurpuntjuni 25, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00435Resource Hyperlink 00435Verbond West-Brabantse OndernemingenVerbond West-Brabantse Ondernemingenjuni 25, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00436Resource Hyperlink 00436Bedrijvencentrum AalstBedrijvencentrum Aalstjuni 25, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00437Resource Hyperlink 00437University of GhentUniversity of Ghentjuni 25, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00438Resource Hyperlink 00438municipality of Geraardsbergen.municipality of Geraardsbergenjuni 25, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00439Resource Hyperlink 00439AquaflandersAquaflandersjuni 26, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00440Resource Hyperlink 00440IPCCIPCCjuni 26, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00441Resource Hyperlink 00441IPCCIPCCjuni 26, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00442Resource Hyperlink 00442Municipality of NinoveMunicipality of Ninovejuni 26, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00443Resource Hyperlink 00443Fire brigade of NinoveFire brigade of Ninovejuni 26, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00444Resource Hyperlink 00444Fire brigade of NinoveFire brigade of Ninovejuni 26, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00445Resource Hyperlink 00445Ninove WelzijnNinove Welzijnjuni 26, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00446Resource Hyperlink 00446Neighbourhood of OkegemNeighbourhood of Okegemjuni 26, 2109
Resource Hyperlink 00447Resource Hyperlink 00447Commissie Integraal WaterbeleidCommissie Integraal Waterbeleidjuni 26, 2109
Resource Hyperlink 00448Resource Hyperlink 00448European Floods Directive from 2007European Floods Directivejuni 26, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00449Resource Hyperlink 00449Province of Zuid-HollandProvince of Zuid-Hollandjuni 26, 3019
Resource Hyperlink 00450Resource Hyperlink 00450Rijkswaterstaat Zee en DeltaRijkswaterstaat Zee en Deltajuni 26, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00451Resource Hyperlink 00451Kent County CouncilKent County Counciljuni 26, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00452Resource Hyperlink 00452The Rivers TrustThe Rivers Trustjuni 26, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00453Resource Hyperlink 00453Tees Rivers TrustTees Rivers Trustjuni 26, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00454Resource Hyperlink 00454Trent Rivers TrustTrent Rivers Trustjuni 26, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00455Resource Hyperlink 00455National Flood ForumNational Flood Forumjuni 26, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00456Resource Hyperlink 00456Carl von Ossietzky University OldenburgCarl von Ossietzky University Oldenburgjuni 26, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00457Resource Hyperlink 00457OOWOOWjuni 26, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00458Resource Hyperlink 00458Danish Coastal AuthorityDanish Coastal Authorityjuni 26, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00483Resource Hyperlink 00483IAIAIAIAjuli 10, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00484Resource Hyperlink 00484Merriam-WebsterMerriam-Websterjuli 10, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00489Resource Hyperlink 00489IPCCIPCCjuli 15, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00490Resource Hyperlink 00490European Programme for Critical Infrastructure ProtectionEuropean Programme for Critical Infrastructure Protectionjuli 15, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00491Resource Hyperlink 00491SHAPESHAPEjuli 16, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00492Resource Hyperlink 00492ClimateJustClimateJustjuli 16, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00493Resource Hyperlink 00493Vitale Assets toolHZ University of Applied Sciencesjuli 16, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00494Resource Hyperlink 00494Circle toolDeltaresjuli 16, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00495Resource Hyperlink 00495Dynamic Adaptive Policy Pathways (DAPP) approachDeltaresjuli 16, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00496Resource Hyperlink 00496Millennium Ecosystem AssessmentMillennium Ecosystem Assessmentjuli 16, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00497Resource Hyperlink 00497UNDRRUNDRRjanuari 1, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00498Resource Hyperlink 00498EU Floods DirectiveEUjanuari 1, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00512Resource Hyperlink 00512Provincie Zuid HollandProvincie Zuid Hollandseptember 3, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00513Resource Hyperlink 00513Safety Region Zuid-Holland ZuidSafety Region Zuid-Holland Zuidseptember 3, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00514Resource Hyperlink 00514Waterschap RivierenlandWaterschap Rivierenlandseptember 3, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00515Resource Hyperlink 00515Ministry of Infrastructure and Watermanagement Ministry of Infrastructure and Watermanagement september 3, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00516Resource Hyperlink 00516Gemeente GorinchemGemeente Gorinchemseptember 3, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00517Resource Hyperlink 00517Gemeente MolenlandenGemeente Molenlandenseptember 3, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00518Resource Hyperlink 00518Gemeente VijfheerenlandenGemeente Vijfheerenlandenseptember 3, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00519Resource Hyperlink 00519Gemeente AlblasserdamGemeente Alblasserdamseptember 3, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00520Resource Hyperlink 00520Gemeente Hardinxveld-GiessendamGemeente Hardinxveld-Giessendamseptember 3, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00521Resource Hyperlink 00521Gemeente PapendrechtGemeente Papendrechtseptember 3, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00522Resource Hyperlink 00522Gemeente SliedrechtGemeente Sliedrechtseptember 3, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00523Resource Hyperlink 00523Water en Ruimte verbindenWater en Ruimte verbindenmaart 9, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00524Resource Hyperlink 00524WaterbeheerIPOmaart 9, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00525Resource Hyperlink 00525Website with all UK government departments and many other agencies and public bodiesGovernment of the UKseptember 6, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00526Resource Hyperlink 00526Check flood risk UKUKseptember 6, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00529Resource Hyperlink 00529Kent County CouncilKent County Councilseptember 10, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00530Resource Hyperlink 00530Kent Fire and RescueKent Fire and Rescuejanuari 20, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00531Resource Hyperlink 00531Kent PoliceKent Policeseptember 9, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00532Resource Hyperlink 00532National Health ServiceNational Health Serviceseptember 9, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00533Resource Hyperlink 00533Public Health EnglandPublic Health Englandseptember 9, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00534Resource Hyperlink 00534Kent Resilience ForumKent Resilience Forumseptember 9, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00535Resource Hyperlink 0053512 Districts and Borough councils across KentKent County Councilseptember 9, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00536Resource Hyperlink 00536Environment Agency UKEnvironment Agencyseptember 9, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00537Resource Hyperlink 00537Environment AgencyEnvironment Agencyseptember 9, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00538Resource Hyperlink 00538Highways AgencyHighways Agencyseptember 9, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00539Resource Hyperlink 00539UK Power NetworksUK Power Networksseptember 9, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00540Resource Hyperlink 00540Southern WaterSouthern Waterseptember 9, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00541Resource Hyperlink 00541South East Coast Ambulance ServiceSouth East Coast Ambulance Serviceseptember 9, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00542Resource Hyperlink 00542Vodafone UKVodafoneseptember 9, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00543Resource Hyperlink 00543South East WaterSouth East Waterseptember 9, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00544Resource Hyperlink 00544Medway CouncilMedway Councilseptember 9, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00545Resource Hyperlink 00545Southern Gas NetworksSouthern Gas Networksseptember 9, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00546Resource Hyperlink 00546Affinity WaterAffinity Waterseptember 9, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00547Resource Hyperlink 00547National Grid UKNational Grid UKseptember 9, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00548Resource Hyperlink 00548Network Rail UKNetwork Railseptember 9, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00549Resource Hyperlink 00549Kent Fire and Rescue ServiceKent Fire and Rescue Serviceseptember 9, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00550Resource Hyperlink 00550UK Civil Contingencies Act 2004UK Governmentseptember 9, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00551Resource Hyperlink 00551Kent Resilience TeamKent Resilience Teamseptember 9, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00552Resource Hyperlink 00552UK maps of flood risksUK Governmentseptember 9, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00553Resource Hyperlink 00553Climate JustClimate Justseptember 9, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00554Resource Hyperlink 00554SHAPE AtlasSHAPE Atlasseptember 9, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00555Resource Hyperlink 00555SWIMS System UKSWIMS Systemseptember 11, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00556Resource Hyperlink 00556Kent SHAPE Atlas and risk mapsKent County Councilseptember 11, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00558Resource Hyperlink 00558The pilot paradox: exploring tensions between internal and external success factors in Dutch climate adaptation projectsVan Buuren, Arwin; Vreugdenhil, Heleen; Van Popering-Verkerk, Jitske; Ellen, Gerald Jan; van Leeuwen, Corniel; Breman, Bas.januari 1, 2018
Resource Hyperlink 00559Resource Hyperlink 00559IPCC reportsIPCCseptember 18, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00560Resource Hyperlink 00560National adaptation strategies UNFCCCUNFCCCseptember 18, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00561Resource Hyperlink 00561DAPP approachDeltaresseptember 18, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00562Resource Hyperlink 00562Trent River TrustTrent River Trustseptember 24, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00563Resource Hyperlink 00563National Flood Forum UKNational Flood Forumseptember 24, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00564Resource Hyperlink 00564Nottingham Trent UniversityNottingham Trent Universityseptember 24, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00565Resource Hyperlink 00565Southwell Flood ForumSouthwell Flood Forumseptember 24, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00566Resource Hyperlink 00566Southwell Town CouncilSouthwell Town Councilseptember 24, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00567Resource Hyperlink 00567Nottinghamshire County CouncilNottinghamshire County Councilseptember 24, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00568Resource Hyperlink 00568Nottinghamshire District CouncilNottinghamshire District Councilseptember 24, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00569Resource Hyperlink 00569VIA East MidlandsVIA East Midlandsseptember 24, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00570Resource Hyperlink 00570Lowe's Wong Infant SchoolLowe's Wong Infant Schoolseptember 24, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00571Resource Hyperlink 00571Southwell TroopsSouthwell Troopsseptember 24, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00572Resource Hyperlink 00572Kirkland & LaneKirklandseptember 24, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00573Resource Hyperlink 00573Alasdair MorrisonsAlasdair Morrisonsseptember 24, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00574Resource Hyperlink 00574Richard WatkinsonRichard Watkinsonseptember 24, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00575Resource Hyperlink 00575GascoinesGascoinesseptember 24, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00576Resource Hyperlink 00576Severn Trent WaterSevern Trent Waterseptember 24, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00577Resource Hyperlink 00577Internal Drainage BoardInternal Drainage Boardseptember 24, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00578Resource Hyperlink 00578Newark and Sherwood  District CouncilNewark and Sherwood  District Councilseptember 24, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00579Resource Hyperlink 00579Fire and Rescue Service SouthwellFire and Rescue Service Southwellseptember 24, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00580Resource Hyperlink 00580Norfolk County CouncilNorfolk County Councilseptember 24, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00581Resource Hyperlink 00581Anglian Water ServicesAnglian Water Servicesseptember 26, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00582Resource Hyperlink 00582Norfolk County CounciNorfolk County Counciseptember 26, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00583Resource Hyperlink 00583Anglian Water ServicesAnglian Water Servicesseptember 26, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00584Resource Hyperlink 00584Great Yarmouth CouncilGreat Yarmouth Councilseptember 26, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00585Resource Hyperlink 00585Blue Pages UKBlue Pages UKseptember 30, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00586Resource Hyperlink 00586Norfolk County Council Local Flood Risk Management StrategyNorfolk County Councilseptember 30, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00587Resource Hyperlink 00587Norfolk Local Strategic Flood Risk AssessmentNorfolk Countyseptember 30, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00588Resource Hyperlink 00588Great Yarmouth Surface Water Management PlanGreat Yarmouth Countyseptember 30, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00589Resource Hyperlink 00589England Flood And Coastal Erosion Risk Management StrategyUK Governmentseptember 30, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00590Resource Hyperlink 00590England Flood And Coastal Erosion Risk Management StrategyUK Governmentseptember 30, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00594Resource Hyperlink 00594River Tees Catchment Flood Management PlanEnvironment Agencyoktober 28, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00595Resource Hyperlink 00595Tees Rivers TrustTees Rivers Trustoktober 28, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00596Resource Hyperlink 00596Stockton-on-Tees Borough CouncilStockton-on-Tees Borough Counciloktober 28, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00597Resource Hyperlink 00597Forestry CommissionForestry Commissionoktober 28, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00598Resource Hyperlink 00598Environment Agency UKEnvironment Agencyoktober 28, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00599Resource Hyperlink 00599Northumbrian WaterNorthumbrian Wateroktober 28, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00600Resource Hyperlink 00600Natural EnglandNatural Englandoktober 28, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00601Resource Hyperlink 00601Highways EnglandHighways Englandoktober 28, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00602Resource Hyperlink 00602ArupArupoktober 28, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00603Resource Hyperlink 00603Newcastle UniversityNewcastle Universityoktober 28, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00604Resource Hyperlink 00604Helping communities be flood resilientEnvironment Agencyoktober 28, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00605Resource Hyperlink 00605Tees Rivers TrustTees Rivers Trustoktober 30, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00606Resource Hyperlink 00606Stockton-on-Tees Borough CouncilStockton Borough Counciloktober 30, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00607Resource Hyperlink 00607Darlington Borough CouncilDarlington Borough Counciloktober 30, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00608Resource Hyperlink 00608The Isefjord/Holbaekfjord EstuaryNorth Sea Regionoktober 30, 2109
Resource Hyperlink 00609Resource Hyperlink 00609Roskilde MunicipalityRoskilde Municipalityoktober 30, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00610Resource Hyperlink 00610Danish Emergency Management AgencyDanish Emergency Management Agencyoktober 30, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00611Resource Hyperlink 00611Roskilde police stationRoskilde policeoktober 30, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00612Resource Hyperlink 00612Danish Storm CouncilDanish Storm Counciloktober 30, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00613Resource Hyperlink 00613Danish Red CrossDanish Red Crossoktober 30, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00614Resource Hyperlink 00614Insurance & Pension Denmark (IPD)Insuranceoktober 30, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00615Resource Hyperlink 00615Danish Coastal AuthorityDanish Coastal Authorityoktober 30, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00616Resource Hyperlink 00616University College CopenhagenUniversity College Copenhagenoktober 30, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00617Resource Hyperlink 00617How to plan ahead for flooding UK guidelinesUK governmentoktober 30, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00623Resource Hyperlink 00623Towards better environmental options in flood risk managementEUnovember 12, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00626Resource Hyperlink 00626SWIMS toolKent Countynovember 27, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00627Resource Hyperlink 00627Adaptation CatalystDeltaresnovember 27, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00628Resource Hyperlink 00628Adaptation CatalystDeltaresnovember 29, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00629Resource Hyperlink 00629Province of ZeelandProvince of Zeelandnovember 27, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00630Resource Hyperlink 00630North Sea PortNorth Sea Portnovember 27, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00631Resource Hyperlink 00631HZ University of Applied SciencesHZ University of Applied Sciencesnovember 27, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00632Resource Hyperlink 00632Safety region ZeelandSafety region Zeelandnovember 27, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00633Resource Hyperlink 00633Waterboard ScheldestromenWaterboard Scheldestromennovember 27, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00634Resource Hyperlink 00634RijkswaterstaatRijkswaterstaatnovember 27, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00635Resource Hyperlink 00635Municipality of VlissingenMunicipality of Vlissingennovember 27, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00636Resource Hyperlink 00636Municipality of MiddelburgMunicipality of Middelburgnovember 27, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00637Resource Hyperlink 00637DamenDamennovember 27, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00638Resource Hyperlink 00638VerbruggeVerbruggenovember 27, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00639Resource Hyperlink 00639KloosterboerKloosterboernovember 27, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00640Resource Hyperlink 00640CobelfretCobelfretnovember 27, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00643Resource Hyperlink 00643Brochure WesermarschJade Universitydecember 18, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00644Resource Hyperlink 00644Brochure WesermarschJade Universitydecember 18, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00645Resource Hyperlink 00645FRAMES Wesermarsch brochureJade Universitydecember 18, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00655Resource Hyperlink 00655Strategic Flood Risk Assessment level 1 and level 2 Tunbridge WellsJBA Consultingjuli 1, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00656Resource Hyperlink 00656Medway Natural Flood Management Partnership. Strategic Outline Case. Short Form Business CaseSERTjanuari 1, 2017
Resource Hyperlink 00657Resource Hyperlink 00657FRAMES Roadmap brochure WesermarschJade University of Applied Sciencesnovember 1, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00660Resource Hyperlink 00660Adaptation CatalystDeltaresfebruari 5, 2020
Resource Hyperlink 00663Resource Hyperlink 00663South East River TrustSouth East Rivers Trustnovember 2, 2020
Resource Hyperlink 00664Resource Hyperlink 00664National Flood Forum UKNational Flood Forumfebruari 2, 2020
Resource Hyperlink 00665Resource Hyperlink 00665Kent County CouncilKent County Councilfebruari 2, 2020
Resource Hyperlink 00666Resource Hyperlink 00666Kent County Council Highways departmentKent County Council Highways departmentfebruari 2, 2020
Resource Hyperlink 00667Resource Hyperlink 00667Maidstone Borough CouncilMaidstone Borough Councilfebruari 2, 2020
Resource Hyperlink 00668Resource Hyperlink 00668Sevenoaks District CouncilSevenoaks District Councilfebruari 2, 2020
Resource Hyperlink 00669Resource Hyperlink 00669Tonbridge and Malling Borough CouncilTonbridge and Malling Borough Councilfebruari 2, 2020
Resource Hyperlink 00670Resource Hyperlink 00670Tunbridge Wells Borough CouncilTunbridge Wells Borough Councilfebruari 2, 2020
Resource Hyperlink 00671Resource Hyperlink 00671Upper Medway Internal Drainage BoardUpper Medway Internal Drainage Boardfebruari 2, 2020
Resource Hyperlink 00672Resource Hyperlink 00672Southern Water Services LimitedSouthern Water Services Limitedfebruari 2, 2020
Resource Hyperlink 00673Resource Hyperlink 00673South East WaterSouth East Waterfebruari 2, 2020
Resource Hyperlink 00674Resource Hyperlink 00674Natural EnglandNatural Englandfebruari 2, 2020
Resource Hyperlink 00675Resource Hyperlink 00675Forestry EnglandForestry Englandfebruari 2, 2020
Resource Hyperlink 00676Resource Hyperlink 00676National Farmers UnionNational Farmers Unionfebruari 2, 2020
Resource Hyperlink 00677Resource Hyperlink 00677Country Land and Business AssociationCountry Land and Business Association20202-02-02
Resource Hyperlink 00678Resource Hyperlink 00678Medway Catchment PartnershipMedway Catchment Partnershipfebruari 2, 2020
Resource Hyperlink 00679Resource Hyperlink 00679Hadlow EstateHadlow Estatefebruari 2, 2020
Resource Hyperlink 00680Resource Hyperlink 00680National TrustNational Trustfebruari 2, 2020
Resource Hyperlink 00681Resource Hyperlink 00681Royal Society for the Protection of BirdsRoyal Society for the Protection of Birdsfebruari 2, 2020
Resource Hyperlink 00682Resource Hyperlink 00682Headcorn Parish CouncilHeadcorn Parish Councilfebruari 2, 2020
Resource Hyperlink 00683Resource Hyperlink 00683Capel Parish CouncilCapel Parish Councilfebruari 2, 2020
Resource Hyperlink 00684Resource Hyperlink 00684The Conservation VolunteersThe Conservation Volunteersfebruari 2, 2020
Resource Hyperlink 00685Resource Hyperlink 00685King's College LondonKing's College Londonfebruari 2, 2020
Resource Hyperlink 00686Resource Hyperlink 00686AmbiosAmbiosfebruari 2, 2020
Resource Hyperlink 00687Resource Hyperlink 00687Medway Flood Partnership NFM steering groupMedway Flood Partnership NFM steering groupfebruari 2, 2020
Resource Hyperlink 00688Resource Hyperlink 00688Biodiversity Action TeamBiodiversity Action Teamfebruari 2, 2020
Resource Hyperlink 00689Resource Hyperlink 00689Municipality of AssensMunicipality of Assensfebruari 17, 2020
Resource Hyperlink 00690Resource Hyperlink 00690Dynamic Adaptive Policy PathwaysDeltares and TU Delftfebruari 17, 2020
Resource Hyperlink 00691Resource Hyperlink 00691Improved flood control and water quality with a smart water solutionDHIfebruari 17, 2020
Resource Hyperlink 00692Resource Hyperlink 00692Improved flood control and water quality with a smart water solutionDHIfebruari 17, 2020
Resource Hyperlink 00693Resource Hyperlink 00693Municipality of VejleMunicipality of Vejlefebruari 17, 2020
Resource Hyperlink 00694Resource Hyperlink 00694Aarhus UniversityAarhus Universityfebruari 17, 2020
Resource Hyperlink 00695Resource Hyperlink 00695100 resilient cities100 resilient citiesfebruari 17, 2020
Resource Hyperlink 00696Resource Hyperlink 00696DeltaresDeltaresfebruari 17, 2020
Resource Hyperlink 00711Resource Hyperlink 00711Personal page Jean-Marie BuijsHZ University of Applied Sciencesapril 8, 2020
Resource Hyperlink 00712Resource Hyperlink 00712jm.buijs@hz.nlHZ University of Applied Sciencesapril 9, 2020
Resource Hyperlink 00713Resource Hyperlink 00713Towards better environmental options in flood risk managementEuropean Unionjuli 8, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00714Resource Hyperlink 00714Etkin 2016Etkin, D.januari 1, 2016
Resource Hyperlink 00715Resource Hyperlink 00715Dynamic Adaptive Policy Pathways: supporting decision making under uncertainty using Adaptation Tipping Points and Adaptation Pathways in policy analysisHaasnoot et al.januari 1, 2013
Resource Hyperlink 00716Resource Hyperlink 00716Image DAPP approachDeltaresapril 15, 2020
Resource Hyperlink 00717Resource Hyperlink 00717Hazard, Vulnerability, and ResilienceEtkin, D.januari 1, 2016
Resource Hyperlink 00718Resource Hyperlink 00718, Hertin and Gann,januari 1, 2006
Resource Hyperlink 00719Resource Hyperlink 00719The Adaptive Capacity Wheel: A method to assess the inherent characteristics of institutions to enable the adaptive capacity of societyGupta et al.januari 1, 2010
Resource Hyperlink 00720Resource Hyperlink 00720SHAPE atlas KentKent County Councilapril 17, 2020
Resource Hyperlink 00721Resource Hyperlink 00721The Story Map CascadeThe Story Map Cascadeapril 17, 2020
Resource Hyperlink 00722Resource Hyperlink 00722Climate JustClimate Justapril 17, 2020
Resource Hyperlink 00723Resource Hyperlink 00723LIWOLIWOapril 17, 2020
Resource Hyperlink 00724Resource Hyperlink 00724UK Climate Change Risk AssessmentUKapril 17, 2020
Resource Hyperlink 00725Resource Hyperlink 00725FRAMES excursion WesermarschFRAMESjanuari 1, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00726Resource Hyperlink 00726BBC Medway coverageBBCjanuari 1, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00727Resource Hyperlink 00727Twitter account FRAMESFRAMESjanuari 17, 2020
Resource Hyperlink 00728Resource Hyperlink 00728Great Yarmouth newspaper articleMercyjuni 5, 2018
Resource Hyperlink 00729Resource Hyperlink 00729Southwell FRAMES websiteSouthwellapril 17, 2020
Resource Hyperlink 00730Resource Hyperlink 00730Vitale assets tool FRAMESFRAMESjanuari 1, 2020
Resource Hyperlink 00731Resource Hyperlink 00731Circle toolDeltaresjanuari 1, 2020
Resource Hyperlink 00734Resource Hyperlink 00734Cost–benefit analysis of flood-zoning policies: A review of current practiceHudson, P. and W.J.W. Botzenaugustus 21, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00738Resource Hyperlink 00738north sea region stakeholder reportNSRfebruari 6, 0006 JL
Resource Hyperlink 00740Resource Hyperlink 00740Brochure Roskilde FRAMESDCAapril 23, 2020
Resource Hyperlink 00741Resource Hyperlink 00741Poster Roskilde FRAMESDCAapril 23, 2020
Resource Hyperlink 00750Resource Hyperlink 00750FRAMES youtube channelHZ University of Applied Sciencesmei 11, 2020
Resource Hyperlink 00760Resource Hyperlink 00760Küste und RaumKüste und Raumjuni 2, 2020
Resource Hyperlink 00762Resource Hyperlink 00762RadiusRadiusjuni 2, 2020
Resource Hyperlink 00763Resource Hyperlink 00763Roskilde Fire DepartmentRoskilde Fire Departmentjuni 2, 2020
Resource Hyperlink 00764Resource Hyperlink 00764Conceptueel article FRAMESNelen and Schuurmansmei 20, 2018
Resource Hyperlink 00765Resource Hyperlink 00765Storm Surge StrategyDCAjuni 2, 2020
Resource Hyperlink 00768Resource Hyperlink 00768STAR2CsSTAR2Csjuni 8, 2020
Resource Hyperlink 00769Resource Hyperlink 00769CatalystSTAR2Csjuni 8, 2020
Resource Hyperlink 00770Resource Hyperlink 00770sturmflut pageJade University of Applied Sciencesjuni 8, 2020
Resource Hyperlink 00771Resource Hyperlink 00771TRT's Flood Risk Management for the Next Decade - a Multi-Layered Safety ApproachTrent River Trustfebruari 19, 2020
Resource Hyperlink 00772Resource Hyperlink 00772Kaufmann et al., 2016Kaufmann et al.november 30, 2016
Resource Hyperlink 00773Resource Hyperlink 00773Zevenbergen, Gersonius and Radhakrishan, 2020Zevenbergen, Gersonius and Radhakrishan, 2020februari 17, 2020
Resource Hyperlink 00774Resource Hyperlink 00774Lange et al. 2013Lange et al.januari 21, 2013
Resource Hyperlink 00775Resource Hyperlink 00775Haasnoot et al., 2013Haasnoot et al.april 2, 2013
Resource Hyperlink 00776Resource Hyperlink 00776CBSCBSjanuari 1, 2020
Resource Hyperlink 00777Resource Hyperlink 00777FRAMES event Trent River Trust youtubeTrent River Trustjuni 10, 2020
Resource Hyperlink 00778Resource Hyperlink 00778FRAMES twitter accountFRAMESjuni 10, 2020
Resource Hyperlink 00779Resource Hyperlink 00779BBC coverage FRAMES Medway pilotBBCapril 21, 2020
Resource Hyperlink 00780Resource Hyperlink 00780DCA FRAMES websiteDCAjuni 10, 2020
Resource Hyperlink 00781Resource Hyperlink 00781DCA FRAMES websiteDCAjuni 10, 2020
Resource Hyperlink 00782Resource Hyperlink 00782Story Map CascadeStory Map Cascadejuni 10, 2020
Resource Hyperlink 00783Resource Hyperlink 00783LIWOLIWOjuni 10, 2020
Resource Hyperlink 00789Resource Hyperlink 00789Medway Flood Action Plan Year 2 reportMedway Flood Partnershipoktober 12, 2019
Resource Hyperlink 00790Resource Hyperlink 00790Patel et al., 2017Pateljanuari 1, 2017
Resource Hyperlink 00791Resource Hyperlink 00791CCRiACCRiAjuni 16, 2020
Resource Hyperlink 00792Resource Hyperlink 00792Pahl-Wostl, 2009Pahl-Wostljanuari 1, 2009
Resource Hyperlink 00793Resource Hyperlink 00793van Buuren et al., 2018 pilot paradoxvan Buuren et al.januari 1, 2018
Resource Hyperlink 00797Resource Hyperlink 00797DCA's project websiteDCAjuni 30, 2020
Resource Hyperlink 00798Resource Hyperlink 00798Katwarn appKatwarnjuni 29, 2020
Resource Hyperlink 00799Resource Hyperlink 00799LIWOLIWOjuni 20, 2020
Resource Hyperlink 00800Resource Hyperlink 00800Story Map CascadeESRIjuni 30, 2020
Resource Hyperlink 00801Resource Hyperlink 00801FRAMES youtube channelFRAMESjuni 30, 2020
Resource Hyperlink 00802Resource Hyperlink 00802FRAMES twitter accountFRAMESjuni 30, 2020
Resource Hyperlink 00803Resource Hyperlink 00803BBC coverage FRAMESBBCjuni 30, 2020
Resource Hyperlink 00804Resource Hyperlink 00804KatwarnKatwarnjuni 30, 2020
Resource Hyperlink 00805Resource Hyperlink 00805Nederlandin3d.nlNederlandin3d.nljuni 30, 2020
Resource Hyperlink 00806Resource Hyperlink 008063D viewer of flood scenariosFRAMESjuli 1, 2020
Resource Hyperlink 00807Resource Hyperlink 00807Water zonder overlast inspiratieboekFRAMESjanuari 1, 2020
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SR15 AnnexI Glossary.pdfBestand:SR15 AnnexI Glossary.pdfIPCC 2018: Annex I: GlossaryMatthews, J.B.R. (ed.)januari 1, 2018
SYRAR5-Glossary en.pdfBestand:SYRAR5-Glossary en.pdfIPCC Glossary Climate Change 2014: Synthesis Report. Contribution of Working Groups I, II and III to the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate ChangeMach, K.J., S. Planton and C. von Stechow (eds.)januari 1, 2014
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Spatial Analysis Methodology vf.pdfBestand:Spatial Analysis Methodology vf.pdfSpatial analysis methodologyKCCjuli 1, 2019
Spatial analysis Kent.pdfBestand:Spatial analysis Kent.pdfFlood Risk to Health and Social Care Infrastructure in Kent and MedwayKent County Counciljuli 1, 2019
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Water-11-02643.pdfBestand:Water-11-02643.pdfCosoveanu et al 2019Cosoveanu, F.S., J-M. Buijs, M.H.N. Bakker and T. Terpstradecember 14, 2019