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Lijst van resultaten
- The MEL Makers crowdfunding scheme - Happy DrĂȘche project + (FACET Practice PR 00036 - The MEL Makers crowdfunding scheme - Happy DrĂȘche project - 13/09/2021)
- Separate waste collection + (FACET Practice PR 00037 - Separate waste collection - 5/11/2021)
- Mobile solar park + (FACET Practice PR 00038 - Mobile solar park - 5/11/2021)
- Green and sustainable power + (FACET Practice PR 00039 - Green and sustainable power - 5/11/2021)
- Parking lot with solar panels + (FACET Practice PR 00040 - Parking lot with solar panels - 8/11/2021)
- Plastic-free terraces + (FACET Practice PR 00041 - Plastic-free terraces - 8/11/2021)
- Reusable bottles + (FACET Practice PR 00042 - Reusable bottles - 8/11/2021)
- Water Saving Shower Heads + (FACET Practice PR 00043 - Water Saving Shower Heads - 8/11/2021)
- Toilet with rain flushing water + (FACET Practice PR 00044 - Toilet with rain flushing water - 8/11/2021)
- Reduce and recycle waste + (FACET Practice PR 00045 - Reduce and recycle waste - 8/11/2021)
- Plastic-free room + (FACET Practice PR 00046 - Plastic-free room - 8/11/2021)
- Re-use materials from old buildings + (FACET Practice PR 00047 - Re-use materials from old buildings - 1/02/2022)
- Circular building that matches the environment + (FACET Practice PR 00048 - Circular building that matches the environment - 1/02/2022)
- Campingpark Ons Buiten + (FACET Practice PR 00049 - Campingpark Ons Buiten - 8/02/2022)
- Campingpark Onsbuiten + (FACET Practice PR 00050 - Campingpark Onsbuiten - 8/02/2022)
- Working with water + (FACET Practice PR 00051 - Working with water - 9/02/2022)
- Holiday park Grevelingenpolder + (FACET Practice PR 00052 - Holiday park Grevelingenpolder - 9/02/2022)
- Hof Christina + (FACET Practice PR 00053 - Hof Christina - 9/02/2022)
- Hotel Katoen + (FACET Practice PR 00054 - Hotel Katoen - 9/02/2022)
- Beach hotel Westduin + (FACET Practice PR 00055 - Beach hotel Westduin - 9/02/2022)
- Monitoring and controling quantities and types of waste + (FACET Practice PR 00056 - Monitoring and controling quantities and types of waste - 13/05/2022)
- Castwater online tool + (FACET Practice PR 00057 - Castwater online tool - 13/05/2022)
- Circular and social economy within the Dunkirk tourist office + (FACET Practice PR 00058 - Circular and social economy within the Dunkirk tourist office - 24/06/2022)
- Investing in our planet + (FACET Practice PR 00059 - Investing in our planet - 21/07/2022)
- Investing in sustainable luxury + (FACET Practice PR 00060 - Investing in sustainable luxury - 21/07/2022)
- Self-sufficient surf school + (FACET Practice PR 00061 - Self-sufficient surf school - 2021/02/02)
- Building with a wooden support structure + (FACET Practice PR 00062 - Building with a wooden support structure - 1/02/2023)
- Sustainable animal shelter + (FACET Practice PR 00063 - Sustainable animal shelter - 1/02/2023)
- Fully demountable pavilion + (FACET Practice PR 00064 - Fully demountable pavilion - 1/02/2023)
- Circulair building + (FACET Theme PR 00001 - Circulair building - 8/04/2021)
- Joint purchase + (FACET Theme PR 00002 - Joint purchase - 8/04/2021)
- Renewable energy + (FACET Theme PR 00003 - Renewable energy - 8/04/2021)
- Sustainable packaging + (FACET Theme PR 00004 - Sustainable packaging - 8/04/2021)
- Waste management + (FACET Theme PR 00005 - Waste management - 8/04/2021)
- Watermanagement + (FACET Theme PR 00006 - Watermanagement - 8/04/2021)
- 9R-strategies explained + (FACET Tool PR 00001 - 9R-strategies explained - 18/03/2021)
- Value Chain Model + (FACET Tool PR 00002 - Value Chain Model - 23/03/2021)
- Quadruple Helix + (FACET Tool PR 00003 - Quadruple Helix - 8/04/2021)
- Joint purchase + (FACET Tool PR 00004 - Joint purchase - 22/04/2022)
- Crowdfunding + (FACET Tool PR 00005 - Crowdfunding - 13/09/2021)
- Practical toolkit circularity + (FACET Tool PR 00006 - Practical toolkit circularity - 10/12/2021)
- Whitepaper - Circular Tourism and support from local authorities + (FACET Tool PR 00007 - Whitepaper - Circular Tourism and support from local authorities - 29/08/2022)
- Whitepaper - Financing the circular Economy in the Tourism Sector + (FACET Tool PR 00008 - Whitepaper - Financing the circular Economy in the Tourism Sector - 2022/11/24)
- Information on collaboration in CE for entrepreneurs + (FACET Tool PR 00009 - Information on collaboration in CE for entrepreneurs - 14/02/2023)
- The Netherlands + (FR Country 00001 - The Netherlands - 2016/10/01)
- Belgium + (FR Country 00002 - Belgium - 2016/10/01)
- Germany + (FR Country 00003 - Germany - 2016/10/01)
- Denmark + (FR Country 00004 - Denmark - 2016/10/01)
- United Kingdom + (FR Country 00006 - United Kingdom - 2016/10/01)
- Southwell + (FR PLT PR 00001 - Southwell - 2016/10/01)
- Reimerswaal + (FR PLT PR 00002 - Reimerswaal - 2016/10/01)