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Eind oktober 2018 is in samenwerking met de Provincie Zeeland en onder begeleiding van IVN Zeeland, de eerste cursus Gastheer van het Landschap Walcheren gestart. In vier cursusmiddagen leerden de drieëntwintig deelnemende verblijfsaccommodaties, recreatie-, en horeca ondernemers meer over de unieke natuur, landschap en cultuurhistorie die Walcheren te bieden heeft. Deze informatie werd aangevuld met excursies door terreinbeheerders en natuurgidsen.  +
Eerste rijke plaatje  +
Ik heb wat geleerd.  +
21 maart as. organiseert HZ University of Applied Sciences de online eindconferentie van het Europese project #MOVE.  +
Als de behandeling is afgerond betekent dit niet dat je je weer de oude voelt. De kanker heeft nog steeds een grote impact op je leven wanneer de behandeling is afgerond.  +
Einde behandeltraject.  +
Dit jaar wordt alweer de 5e editie van het Eindeloos Eiland Festival georganiseerd. Op 14, 15 en 16 juni staat het eiland Noord-Beveland in het teken van muziek, dans, natuur en culinair eten. Dit jaar heeft het Kenniscentrum Kusttoerisme een mooie kans gekregen om invulling te geven aan dit festival.  +
Eindrapport van het project Burgerparticipatie in Klimaatadaptatie, december 2021  +
After three years the international project FACET is ending. During our project, we achieved some great results that we want to share with others.  +
University of Greenwich is currently researching the motivations & barriers for entrepreneurs who want to start circular practices.  +
During coaching sessions experts guided entrepreneurs towards the circular solutions that fit their specific needs and business.  +
rijke plaatjes helpen om een situatie beter te gaan begrijpen  +
We invite all young people active in the water sector to apply to the 15th edition of the European Youth Parliament for Water, to be held from November 17 to 24, 2019 in Nizhny Novgorod, Russia  +
Evaluatie eerste ziektejaar.  +
De eerstejaarsevaluatie is een formeel moment waarop je samen met je werkgever terugkijkt op het eerste ziektejaar en vooruit kijkt naar het volgende jaar.  +
Entrepreneurs face the important challenge to use materials in a sustainable way. But how does that work? Look at the business models of entrepreneurs to see how.  +
Bla bla.  +
Explore phase for the dementia friendly walking pilot  +
Mobile me in the right direction.  +
Combatting loneliness for the people aged 70 – 79 and people with second residencies in the area by using especially improved communication tools and offering targeted leisure offers. The partners (Lead = Westtoer) and the city of Oostende would like to find new methods how to engage with the elderly, and specifically second residents. In 2016 Westtoer published a report on the ‘Impact of second residents on Coastal tourism’. The report included quantitative information of possible communication methods. This pilot aims to apply new methods based on this research and needs assessment. E.g. there is an interest of 41% of second residents to have more contact with local residents. 20th of June: focusgroups with elderly and second residents older then 55 + who visit the Belgian Coast: 10 participants 6th of July: A Sea of time: citizens, experts and local entrepreneurs 19th of September: focus group ‘Vrijetijdsmobiel’ (‘Leisure Mobile’): sports department, contact point seniors in need, the district manager of the city centre, S-Plus, the culture department (UiTPAS), the library of Ostend, the cultural centre ‘De Grote Post’ and the elderly and volunteer policy coordinator. Pilot beneficiaries of the pilot are: Workgroups ‘neighbourhood residents’ Second residents Local business providers, such as restaurants, hotels, attractions providers The goal is to have an increased participation in leisure activities using especially improved communication tools and to involve elderly and second residents more to prevent loneliness. 8 ideas were concretely developed during the focus group with second residents: Extension cultural offer for second residents Inclusive community network Meet and greet Welcome in our community Reduction voucher Fidelity card for second residents Workshops with starters kit Below are the values detected via the focus groups: Flexibility: second residents want to decide themselves when they participate. They don’t want to enter into an agreement to participate e.g. on a weekly base. Being active: participants expressed that they wanted to join a local cycling or hiking club Involvement: participants would consider to be a volunteer and to get to know their neighbours