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- AquaSPICE - Water Recycle Project + (An internship at Dow in Terneuzen working … An internship at Dow in Terneuzen working as an operator on the Horizon 2020 AquaSPICE project. You will be responsible for the daily operation of the water treatment technologies, monitoring of the processes, sampling and data collection and analysis of information gathered.tion and analysis of information gathered.)
- Wonen in Zeeland + (Analyse van de Zeeuwse woningmarkt.)
- Gesprek dhr. Kloeg + (Analyseren gesprek en eigen inbreng.)
- Adding ecological value to the subtidal zone of dikes + (Analysis of the colonization of stone ridg … Analysis of the colonization of stone ridges in the subtidal part of dikes in relation to the biodiversity development on the surrounding soft sediments.</br></br>Research type: field research, desk analysis </br></br>Research level: minor, internship or graduation bachelor thesis project. </br></br>Prerequisite: interest in marine ecology, good snorkeling skills, driver's license preferred.keling skills, driver's license preferred.)
- Annaland + (Annaland ....)
- Detecting stress levels in mussels in relation to culture practices + (Apply methods to detect stress levels in m … Apply methods to detect stress levels in mussels and examine stress levels in mussels that have been exposed to different stressors. In advance experiments can be carried out under controlled conditions.</br>Research type: desk study, sampling & experiments (HZ, Vlissingen)</br>Research level: internship (BSc. level)</br>Perquisite: preferably affinity with biology and chemistry, precise, dedicated, analytical skillsemistry, precise, dedicated, analytical skills)
- NWO Perspectief AquaConnect + (AquaConnect richt zich op het hergebruik van afvalwater en brak grondwater om zo meer water in reserve te hebben tijdens droge periodes in Nederland.)
- AquaSPICE + (AquaSPICE wil de duurzaamheid van de procesindustrie bevorderen door middel van digitale en circulaire innovaties inzake watergebruik.)
- Gardening and Nature at CitySeeds Middelburg + (Are you a student? You can also participat … Are you a student? You can also participate in work sessions Gardening and Nature at CitySeeds:</br></br>Working days and times:</br>Gardening: Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday from 9:00 till 12:00</br>Nature: Tuesday and Friday from 12:30 till 15:30</br></br>If you are interested in joining events from City Seeds, let us now by sending an email to by sending an email to greenoffice@hz.n)
- Living Lab Biobased Brazil + (Are you interested in a project in Brazil? Please, have a look on the website!)
- Documentary Day + (Are you interested in climate change? Do … Are you interested in climate change? </br>Do you think it is already happening around the world? </br>How do you think this affects us, and what the impact might be in the near future? </br></br>The HZ Green Office with the support of HZ Cult and Apv Housing has organized a documentary day. </br>This event will be in the APV Campus, Thursday, January the 16th at 19:00. It will consist of the projection of two documentaries: </br></br>19:00 Chasing Glaciers (Directed by Mark Gregory) </br></br>A world temperature increase of 1.5 °C is already inevitable and a 2 °C increase is very possible considering the path we are on now. As the climate changes, droughts will become more commonplace as major cities like Capetown and Los Angeles are predicted to lose all access to their natural water reserves. Nations such as the Maldives and Bangladesh will completely disappear underneath the ocean’s surface and desertification will destroy much of Northern Africa and the Middle East (and all of this by 2050)! Even though these problems seem existential and preventable, there is one place where the threat of Climate Change is currently manifesting itself: the beautiful country of Perú. Within their borders are 70% of the world´s tropical glaciers and over the last 40 years, they have lost almost half their surface areas. The country of 27 million all depends on these glaciers either directly or indirectly for potable water, irrigation, and hydroelectric energy. With the rise in temperature many if not all these glaciers will completely disappear. As they do, the livelihoods and water resources of the people impacted will vanish as well. There is no saving them, only to adapt to a new way of life or pack up and move.</br></br>Trailer:</br></br>19:20 Q&A session </br></br>19:35 Building bridges (Directed by Carlijn Mulder and Nadine Smiths) </br></br>Carlijn Mulder and Nadine Smits participated in the 2017 HZ Honours Programme. They created the documentary "Building Bridges" during their journey, as the honours programme gives space and the opportunity to HZ students to work on their own interesting project. Carlijn and Nadine travelled through five different countries -Thailand, Philippines, United Arab Emirates, Indonesia and Vietnam- and researched how these countries deal with Climate Change related problems. Nadine is now an advisor Water and Climate for the Province of Zeeland. She will introduce the documentary and relate her learnings to her work as a professional. After the documentary there will be a Q&A. </br></br>Trailer:</br></br>8:05 Q&A session</br></br>If you would like to attend, please let us know so we could reserve a place for you! (Limited Capacity)</br></br>We invite you all to enjoy these amazing films and have some drinks after!</br></br>-GOy these amazing films and have some drinks after! -GO)
- Information on collaboration in CE for entrepreneurs + (As an entrepreneur, how do you work with other actors in the value chain on circular economy solutions? This page offers you all you need to get started!)
- Pilot 9 Seaside resort Domburg + (As in many other seaside resort towns, the … As in many other seaside resort towns, the development of new products and services in Bath Domburg is predominantly focused on tourists, inhabitants are not sufficiently involved. This pilot looks at how better products and services can be developed both for people living here and having their second home here, also taking advantage of offers that are already in place for tourists. The pilot puts an emphasis on the active involvement of the locals, also to foster the concept of active foster the concept of active ownership.)
- Plastic-free room + (At Boutique hotel Lytel Blue you can book a plastic-free hotel room.)
- Reusable bottles + (At De Meerpaal holiday park they bottle water in reusable bottles.)
- Rainwater storage tanks + (At a campsite a lot of (warm) water is nee … At a campsite a lot of (warm) water is needed every day, because everyone wants to be able to shower and wash when they are camping. At a campsite such as the Kreekebos campsite, about 2000 liters of warm water is needed per day. To reduce the burden on the environment, they have therefore invested in solar collectors and heat pump solar collectors and heat pump boilers.)
- Parking lot with solar panels + (At holiday park de Meerpaal, solar panels are installed on the roof of the parking lot)
- Gardening + (At the HZ, we have two unique student-led … At the HZ, we have two unique student-led gardening projects: the Student Garden and the Food Forest. These spaces give students the opportunity to grow their own food, learn about sustainable gardening, and connect with nature. Whether you want to relax in a green environment, take part in gardening activities, or contribute to biodiversity, everyone is welcome to join! Want to get involved? Read more about our Student Garden and Food Forest here!t our Student Garden and Food Forest here!)
- Paper 6 + (Auto-ethnography for social innovation)
- Balans + (Balans)
- Banners + (Banners - Demoproject Projectenportfolio)
- Beargumenteerd wenselijk Cultureel haalbaar + (Beargumenteerd wenselijk Cultureel haalbaar)
- Bedrijfsarts + (Bedrijfsarts)
- Bedrijfsarts + (Bedrijfsarts)
- Climate March 2021 + (Before the Climate Alarm starts, we will s … Before the Climate Alarm starts, we will start drawing circles with chalk on the ground of the Market Square in Middelburg to mark where each person has to stand (to make it Corona-proof!). If you want to spend some time away from the screen, outside and give yourself some play time, JOIN US!</br></br>On 14/03/2021 at 14:00h, people will take the streets to demand more climate action at the Middelburg Market Square. Before the Climate Alarm starts, we will start drawing circles with chalk on the ground of the Market Square in Middelburg to mark where each person has to stand to make it Corona-proof! This takes place at 11:00h. This action is carried out locally and is nationally supported by various organizations including FNV, Woonbond, Greenpeace, Ofxam, Milieudefensie, Fridays for Future and XR. A local coalition of organizations and citizens that support climate-just policy is also being set up in Middelburg.policy is also being set up in Middelburg.)
- Waterbehoeften en verwachtingen van landbouwers + (Begin 2021 heeft KCOI een onderzoek uitgevoerd naar de waterbehoeften en -verwachtingen onder landbouwers in de Oudlandpolder.)
- Systeemontwikkeling + (Beheer en verder uitbouwen van de (technische) infrastructuur (wikifarm, skins, extensies databases etc.) van het expertisesysteem EVM.)
- Agenda van de Toekomst Zoetwaterbeheer VNSC + (Behoefte aan inzicht in knelpunten en oplossingsrichtingen binnen het zoetwatersysteem om aan de toenemende zoetwatervraag te voldoen, ook richting de toekomst.)
- Verkenning Inbreng Regionale Waterstromen op Het Kanaal Gent-Terneuzen + (Behoefte aan inzichten in knelpunten en oplossingsrichtingen voor de toenemende kwalitatieve en kwantitatieve zoetwaterproblematiek op Kanaal Gent-Terneuzen.)
- Maintenance Value Park Fase 1 + (Behoefte aan nieuwe haventerreinen in synergie met Dow.)
- Mosselbanken + (Behoefte aan nieuwe haventerreinen in synergie met Zeeland Seaports.)
- Oostbos + (Behoefte aan nieuwe haventerreinen in synergie met Zeeland Seaports.)
- Spuikom + (Behoefte aan nieuwe haventerreinen in synergie met Zeeland Seaports.)
- Maintenance Value Park Fase 2 + (Behoefte aan nieuwe haventerreinen in synergie met Zeeland Seaports.)
- Ontwikkeling Axelse Vlakte III + (Behoefte aan nieuwe haventerreinen.)
- Inspiratiesessie Circulair Ondernemen + (Ben je benieuwd hoe je met circulair ondernemen (zwerf)afval kunt verminderen? In samenwerking met de Gemeente Vlissingen organiseert HZ University of Applied Sciences een online Inspiratiesessie.)
- Online inspiratiesessie circulair ondernemen + (Ben je benieuwd hoe je met circulair ondernemen (zwerf)afval kunt verminderen? In samenwerking met de Gemeente Vlissingen organiseert HZ University of Applied Sciences een online Inspiratiesessie.)
- Kennisupdate LIVE 2024 + (Bent u benieuwd naar de resultaten van verschillende onderzoeken/projecten en naar de onderzoeksplannen van HZ Kenniscentrum Kusttoerisme voor 2024? Kom naar de Kennisupdate LIVE.)
- Kennisupdate LIVE + (Bent u benieuwd naar de resultaten van verschillende onderzoeken/projecten en naar de onderzoeksplannen van HZ Kenniscentrum Kusttoerisme voor 2023? Kom naar de kennisupdate LIVE.)
- Inspiratietour toerisme + (Bent u ondernemer in de vrijetijdssector? En wil u inspiratie, ideeën en aanpakken uitwisselen met collega-ondernemers? Meld u aan voor onze inspiratietour en ga mee op pad!)
- Verantwoordelijkheid nemen. + (Beperk je je tot de afgesproken regels, het beleid, enz. of kijk je ook naar het 'Grote Doel'?)
- Vaarroute Netwerken + (Beperkte toeristische waarde van waterlopen.)
- Staats Spaanse Linies + (Beperkte zichtbaarheid van de Staats Spaanse Linies; beperkte benutting toeristische waarde.)
- Landschapsuitvoeringsplan Fort Sint Anthonie + (Beperkte zichtbaarheid van de Staats Spaanse Linies; beperkte benutting toeristische waarde.)
- Beren + (Beren)
- Beren (Belemmeringen) + (Beren, die bij de verwerking niet waren te koppelen aan een speler, zijn gerapporteerd onder de Buitenring)
- Sessie 3, Omgevingstafel + (Bespreken van een initiatief, uiteen gaan in verschillende disciplines, gezamenlijk ophalen van vragen en oplossingen.)
- Sessie 3, Reflectie Omgevingstafel + (Bespreking advies en verder toelichten)
- Best practices + (Best Practices FACET)
- Bestemming Zeeland 2030 + (Bestemming Zeeland in 2030. Hoe ontwikkelen we Zeeland tot een bestemming die veerkrachtig is, die in balans is met de leefomgeving en die waarde creëert voor bezoekers, bewoners en bedrijven?)