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Hieronder staan 26 resultaten vanaf #1.

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Lijst van resultaten

  • Nationale Toerisme Top  + (Save the Date: De 2e Nationale Toerisme Top komt eraan! Woensdag 9 oktober 2019 in het Topshuis op Neeltje Jans. Meer info volgt snel!)
  • Circulair on Tour!  + (Save the date: Dinsdag 29 oktober willen wij met u een aantal circulaire initiatieven bezoeken. De tour is bedoelt voor toeristische ondernemers, die inspiratie op willen doen met betrekking tot circulair ondernemen. Meer informatie volgt.)
  • Scheld Youth Parliament  + (Scheld Youth Parliament)
  • Harbour clean-up  + (See you at the Sluice, Piet Heinkade 94, Vlissingen at 10:00 O`Clock!)
  • Twintig jaar monitoring van de Zeeuwse jeugd  + (Sinds 2001 brengt de Jeugdmonitor Zeeland de leefwereld van de Zeeuwse jeugd in kaart. Twintig jaar kijken naar opgroeien en opvoeden in Zeeland geeft een interessante kijk op veranderingen in de leefwereld van ouder en kind door de jaren heen.)
  • Plaatsing batterij Camping Weltevreden  + (Sinds een paar weken is een belangrijke fase ingegaan bij de pilot op Camping Weltevreden: de plaatsing van een grote batterij. Lees meer over deze batterij.)
  • Dashboard over accommodatieaanbod Zeeland online  + (Sinds enkele jaren beheert HZ KenniscentruSinds enkele jaren beheert HZ Kenniscentrum Kusttoerisme een database met cijfers over het accommodatieaanbod in Zeeland. Deze database biedt een totaalbeeld van alle toeristische accommodaties: van hotel tot camping, van tweede woning voor privégebruik tot bungalowpark. De data zijn nu ook online te raadplegen via een dashboard. In dit dashboard is zo inzichtelijk hoeveel eenheden en slaapplaatsen er zijn per accommodatietype, per gemeente of per woonplaats. Op deze manier kunnen beleidsmakers, ondernemers en onderzoekers zelf actuele gegevens raadplegen over het accommodatieaanbod in Zeeland.en over het accommodatieaanbod in Zeeland.)
  • Beach pavilions are smart with waste: coffee grounds come back as a croquette  + (Six beach pavilions in Schouwen-Duiveland are looking into circular ways to reduce and recycle their waste.)
  • Social Innovation Process  + (Social Innovation Process.)
  • Social Theory of a Sustainable Collaborative Learning Society  + (Social Theory.)
  • Soil density  + (Soil density (= bulk density) is measured Soil density (= bulk density) is measured with an acoustic SED sensor. Soil density has a strong influence on both soil erosion and the ecological development of the soil. However, there is little information on how soil density develops over time at restoration sites and how this is related to short-term (daily) sediment dynamics.d to short-term (daily) sediment dynamics.)
  • Start verzuimbegeleiding (S5-2)  + (Start verzuimbegeleiding (S5-2). Welk formeel proces start er op het moment dat een medewerker met kanker zich (deels) ziekmeldt?)
  • Startbijeenkomst  + (Startbijeenkomst)
  • Workshop 4  + (Starten en bespreken opdracht. Vragen stellen.)
  • Studenten doen onderzoek naar duurzame(re) consumptie in Zeeland  + (Studenten Commerciële Economie van de HZ University of Applied Sciences hebben in opdracht van HZ Kenniscentrum Kusttoerisme onderzoek gedaan naar trends & ontwikkelingen m.b.t. de verduurzaming van consumptie in de Zeeuwse toeristisch-recreatieve sector.)
  • Studenten doen onderzoek naar Thrivable Tourism  + (Studenten commerciële economie van de HZ University of Applied Sciences hebben de opdracht gekregen om de term “Thrivable Tourism” beter in beeld te brengen.)
  • Projectexcursie- Biocirculair recreëren  + (Studenten van de HZ University of Applied Sciences, Centre of Expertise Biobased Economy zijn tijdens een project-excursie langs materialen en belevingslocaties gegaan van het tiny house project Biocirculair recreëren op Gemeente Schouwen-Duiveland .)
  • Project Verpleegkunde draait op volle toeren  + (Studenten verpleegkunde organiseerden in de week van 27 mei hun eigen projectweek. Middels meerdere gesprekken met stakeholders komen zij weer een stapje dichterbij hun adviesrapport.)
  • Join us - newsletter  + (Subscribe to our newsletter and stay informed about the activity, insights and learinings in the Interreg 2 Seas project FACET.)
  • Subtest (TS1-1)  + (Subtest (TS1-1).)
  • Cycling 101  + (Summary)
  • E-mobility  + (Summary)
  • Systems Thinking  + (Systems Thinking.)
  • Territorial touristic ecology in Hauts-de-France   + (Territorial Touristic Ecology (TTE) is a way of looking at circular touristic entrepreneurship.)
  • Terug aan het werk  + (Terug aan het werk.)
  • Toepassingssessie 2  + (Terugblik Workshop 2: Mutual understanding. Shared Meaning. Olifantenplaatje. Soft Systems Methodology. Finding out (de belanghebbenden en hun belangen). PQR formule & huiswerk hierover vanuit Workshop 2 (PQR casus maken).)
  • Test 4  + (Test 4.)
  • Introduction on the go recycling  + (Thanks to funding from the FACET project, increasing bin capacity along Great Yarmouth Seafront has begun.)
  • It is no more difficult than conventional building  + (The Biobased Beleven building is a special eye-catcher on the site at the Kleverkerkseweg in Middelburg. It is circularly built with as many biobased materials as possible. Maarten de Hollander, architect and researcher, tells more about it.)
  • Bio-Circular Building  + (The Biobased building research group also joined the FACET project as project partner from 1 January 2021.)
  • BottleShipsGY installed in Great Yarmouth, Hemsby and Gorleston  + (The Bottleships are aimed at encouraging beachgoers to dispose of their plastic drinks bottles correctly, preventing them from entering the sea.)
  • Minor Circular Economy  + (The Circular Economy (minor team) is lookiThe Circular Economy (minor team) is looking into greening the schoolyard and its surroundings. For the circular economy project, a lot of hands-on work and effort is needed. The minor team consists of three individuals. They would greatly appreciate your help! They will make sure that there is enough food and drinks for everyone to keep up the energy! </br>These are the dates they are working on:</br></br>• Tuesday 30 March: removing ivy in one of the green corridors. Time 10:00 to 16:00. </br></br>• Wednesday 31 March: placing wood snippers in one of the green corridors. Time 10:00 to 16:00. </br></br>• Thursday 1 April: placing wood snippers in one of the green corridors. Time 10:00 to 16:00. the green corridors. Time 10:00 to 16:00.)
  • Animation FACET project  + (The European FACET Interreg 2 seas project supports entrepreneurs in shifting from a linear to a circular economy in the tourism sector.)
  • FACET Survey  + (The FACET survey on Circular adoption and motivation is ready for you to complete!)
  • Green Matchmaking  + (The Green Matchmaking event is held on theThe Green Matchmaking event is held on the 13/04/2021 at 9:15 - 17:00h. The Green Matchmaking event consists of virtual speed dates that connects you to companies for sustainable collaboration.</br>Sign up via this link You can create a profile and immediately see whether there are any green companies and/or assignments that interests you ,so you can already schedule a meeting. The registrations close until April 13th, so keep a close eye on the platform. Do you have questions about the Green Matchmaking event? Please email Wendy van Rijsbergen at</br>Hier kun je een profiel aanmaken en meteen bekijken of er al interessante bedrijven en/of opdrachten voor je bijstaan waar je een gesprek mee kunt inplannen. Tot 13 april kunnen de aanmeldingen van interessante bedrijven voor jou binnenstromen dus houdt het platform goed in de gaten. Heb je vragen over het Green Matchmaking evenement? Mail dan naar Wendy van Rijsbergen van Rijsbergen
  • Gardening Introduction Day  + (The HZ Gardening team invites you to the IThe HZ Gardening team invites you to the Introduction to gardening session at the APV student housing in Vlissingen at 10:00 to 12:00h on 17/04/2021. The location is Joost de Moorstraat 21. </br></br>The planning for the Introduction to gardening session:</br></br>1. Introduction of the gardening team members</br></br>2. Vision of the gardening group</br></br>3. Evolution of the garden</br></br>4. What is currently happening to the garden</br></br>5. What are the future developments for the garden</br></br>6. Invitation to join the gardening team/ Green Office</br></br>This event is a corona proof activity. This activity is linked to HZ personality credits (double hours). If you would like to join us, make sure to sign up via this link Hope to see you there!s:// Hope to see you there!)
  • Middelburg Cleanup  + (The HZ Green Office invites you on 14/05/2The HZ Green Office invites you on 14/05/2021 at 13:00 to a clean-up session in Middelburg. The meeting point is yet to be established. Gloves will be provided on location. Make sure to bring your hand sanitizer and keep distance. Sign up via this excel sheet if you are planning on attending. ;)FWKM8 if you are planning on attending. ;))
  • Beach Cleanup  + (The HZ Green Office invites you to a beachThe HZ Green Office invites you to a beach cleanup held on the 16/04/2021. The clean-up is held on the beautiful beach of Vlissingen. The volunteers will be split in small groups and the event will be corona-proof. The clean-up will start at 10:00h at the Panta Rhei. The aim is to clean as much as possible in a couple hours. The clean-up will end around 1. If you would like to join us, make sure to sign up via this link Hope to see you there!s:// Hope to see you there!)
  • Clothing Swap  + (The HZ Green Office invites you to a clothThe HZ Green Office invites you to a clothing swap series event located in the APV in Vlissingen. The event takes place from 08/03/2021 to 10/03/2021 at 16:00-18:00h. Join us to give your clothing pieces a second chance at life and receive a cute clothing piece in return. The event is corona-safe. The number of people that enter the room is monitored.f people that enter the room is monitored.)
  • Make a pond  + (The HZ Green Office invites you to make a The HZ Green Office invites you to make a pond at the gardening session at the APV student housing in Vlissingen. The event will take place on 3/5/2021 from 12:00 to 14:00h. The location of the event is Joost de Moorstraat 21. HZ personality credits can be earned by participating in this event. Sign up now on Instagram!g in this event. Sign up now on Instagram!)
  • Middelburg Clean-up  + (The HZ Green Office invites you to the cleThe HZ Green Office invites you to the cleanup on Middelburg on the 26/03/2021. The meeting point is at room GW 102 in HZ Middelburg. The cleanup begins from 10:00 to 17:00h. Feel free to stop by within this time frame and select the time that is most convenient for you. You can pick up the materials at room GW 102 and then go to anywhere in Middelburg to cleanup. Feel free to walk wherever you want and collect trash. You can plan your own route at your own time and at your own pace. Free coffee is able at Het Koffiepand. This is thanks to Anne van Helteren. Please remember to return the materials and trash to HZ Middelburg. You can earn DOUBLE HZ personality credits for this event. </br>Corona Measures that are applied: gloves will be provided on location, bring your own hand sanitizer, and keep your distance of 2 meters.tizer, and keep your distance of 2 meters.)
  • Gardening Session  + (The HZ Green Office invites you to the garThe HZ Green Office invites you to the gardening session at the APV in Vlissingen at 10:00h-12:00h. We will focus on the maintenance of the garden, writing cards to place under the door of students to raise awareness to not litter in the garden, and keeping the berries upright. Other gardening activities will be executed. Don't be surprised if we ask you to get your hands dirty ;). </br>This activity is linked to HZ personality credits (double hours). to HZ personality credits (double hours).)
  • Gardening Session  + (The HZ Green Office invites you to the garThe HZ Green Office invites you to the gardening session at the Student Garden at 09:00h in front of the APV in Vlissingen (Joost de Moorstraat 21). We will be focusing on the cleaning and maintenance of the garden. If the logistics work out we may also be spreading wooden chips along the planned path and other specific areas. Note: These plans are subject to change.</br>Pro Tip: Dress for the weather with clothes you wouldn't mind getting dirty!h clothes you wouldn't mind getting dirty!)
  • Gardening Session  + (The HZ Green Office invites you to the garThe HZ Green Office invites you to the gardening session at the APV student housing in Vlissingen at 12:00 to 14:00h on 19/04/2021. The location is Joost de Moorstraat 21. This event is a corona proof activity and has a maximum capacity of 8 people. The session will focus on maintaining (removing grass and weeds from around the plants), cleaning the garden (removing rubbish/garbage from the garden), and digging the pond. This activity is linked to HZ personality credits (double hours). If you would like to join us, make sure to sign up via this link Hope to see you there!</br>There will be a second gardening session from 16:00 to 17:30h at the APV student housing in Vlissingen. The session will focus on moving the tree trunks, sawing disks and seats. If you would like to join us, make sure to sign up via this link Hope to see you there!s:// Hope to see you there!)
  • Gardening Session  + (The HZ Green Office invites you to the garThe HZ Green Office invites you to the gardening session at the APV student housing in Vlissingen at 09:00 to 11:00h on 08/04/2021. The location is Joost de Moorstraat 21. This event is a corona proof activity and has a maximum capacity of 8 people. The session will focus on maintaining, cleaning the garden, and laying down wooden chips. This activity is linked to HZ personality credits (double hours). If you would like to join us, make sure to sign up via this link Hope to see you there!s:// Hope to see you there!)
  • Gardening Session  + (The HZ Green Office invites you to the garThe HZ Green Office invites you to the gardening session at the APV student housing in Vlissingen at 09:00 to 12:00h on 15/04/2021. The location is Joost de Moorstraat 21. This event is a corona proof activity and has a maximum capacity of 8 people. The session will focus on maintaining (removing grass and weeds from around the plants), cleaning the garden (removing rubbish/garbage from the garden), and planting herbs. This activity is linked to HZ personality credits (double hours). If you would like to join us, make sure to sign up via this link Hope to see you there!s:// Hope to see you there!)
  • Gardening Session  + (The HZ Green Office invites you to the garThe HZ Green Office invites you to the gardening session at the APV student housing in Vlissingen at 09:00 to 11:00h on 12/04/2021. The location is Joost de Moorstraat 21. This event is a corona proof activity and has a maximum capacity of 8 people. The session will focus on maintaining, cleaning the garden, and laying down wooden chips. This activity is linked to HZ personality credits (double hours). If you would like to join us, make sure to sign up via this link Hope to see you there!s:// Hope to see you there!)
  • Student Garden Maintenance  + (The HZ Green Office invites you to the stuThe HZ Green Office invites you to the student garden maintenance at the APV student housing in Vlissingen. The event will take place on 7/5/2021 from 9:00 to 11:00h. The location of the event is Joost de Moorstraat 21. HZ personality credits can be earned by participating in this event. Join us in this outdoor activity, sign up now on Instagram or through this form! through this form!)
  • Opening HZ Green Office  + (The HZ Green Office is an organisation forThe HZ Green Office is an organisation for students, organised by students. We would like to invite you to:</br>Opening HZ Green Office</br>Date: 10 October - 12.00</br>Location: second floor at the end of the PE2-hallway</br>Programme</br>11.30 - Walk-in</br>12.00 - Start Opening Ceremony by President of the Executive Board mr. J. Dane</br>12.15 - Presentation HZ Green Office</br>12.20 - End of programme, green drinks and Q&A session (until 13.00)</br></br>Bring your own mug if you can!</br></br>About the HZ Green Office</br>For the past 2 years, the HZ Green Office has organised different events and projects around sustainability in and around the university.</br>The HZ Green Office is run by a core team of students and a coordinator. The HZ GO! focuses on greening the campus and (near) environment by organizing and participating in sustainability projects and activities, preferably in cooperation with other stakeholders. As such, we build and maintain a diverse partnership network of local businesses, government and sponsors. Where possible, synergetic connections are initiated between external partners and HZ research & education. Ideally, the HZ-campus is a living lab and playground where students can design and pilot their own solutions in multidisciplinary teams.</br>Our goal is to build and strengthen our (international) community, connecting with each other around action-based sustainability initiatives that generate a positive impact and inspire others.</br>Finally, the time has come for the opening of our physical office! So join us on Thursday 10 October during the Dutch national day for sustainability. The office is located at the end of the PE2-Hallway. The opening will take place at 12:00.</br>After the official opening, the HZ Green Office will present itself followed by Green drinks and a Q&A session until 13:00. Bring your own mug if you can!</br>We hope to see you all there.your own mug if you can! We hope to see you all there.)
  • Cleanup + monitoring plastic debris from beaches and De Binnenhaven Vlissingen  + (The HZ Green Office regularly organises clThe HZ Green Office regularly organises cleanups. Currently, we're cleaning up De Binnenhaven Vlissingen every other week, as part of a research HZ Green Office is doing for the municipality; the info about what type of waste we find and how much feeds into a national benchmark. This information is used to set policies to prevent waste from the source. </br>Also, on a regular basis we organise beach cleanups or plogging events.</br>On Saturdaymorning 19 September we are organising a cleaning & monitoring on 5 locations during the national cleanup day that is organised all around the Netherlands. Want to join us in 19 Sep? contact</br>Upcoming cleanups & monitoring sessions Binnenhaven:</br>23 September: cleanup, start 10h 't Smoske</br>24 September: monitoring, start 10h 't Smoske</br>7 October: cleanup, start 10h 't Smoske</br>8 October: monitoring, start 10h 't Smoske</br>21 October: cleanup, start 10h 't Smoske</br>22 October: monitoring, start 10h 't Smoske</br>-> all these activities can be linked to HZ Personality. Interested? just come or contact or greenoffice@hz.nle or contact or