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The aim is to apply MLS to test the potential of natural management solutions to improve protection and involving landowners, communities and partners in developing solutions (flood groups and local action plans) together to improve preparedness. +
Bijdragen aan de verduurzaming, kennisontwikkeling en het innovatievermogen in de regio +
The aim of the pilot project is to increase environmental resilience to flooding through Natural Flood Management (NFM). The aim is to slow the flow of water reaching watercourses, and to store water within the landscape, to reduce the flood peaks which cause problems downstream. +
The main goal of FRAMES Belgium is to have a strong participative process with three main target groups: 1) Flood-prone citizens; 2) Wider community, and 3) Local authorities. +
Wetenschappelijk onderzoek doen naar innovaties in de Zeeuwse ouderenzorg op basis van (complexe) vraagstukken uit de praktijk. +
The overall goal of this pilot is to change the way policy makers and inhabitants think about adding spatial adaptation measures (layer 2) to flood defence measures (layer 1) to decrease the vulnerability of vital infrastructure. +
De kracht van de samenleving, overheid en bedrijfsleven gebruiken voor een vitale en veerkrachtige delta +
The goal of this pilot project is to study the suitability of the Sloe area as a temporary shelter area for the residents of the Ritthem area. +
In this pilot, MLS will be applied to test the potential of natural management solutions to improve flood risk management. By involving landowners, communities and partners, solutions will be thought of together, and this will help to improve overall preparedness. +
Logistieke ketens efficiënter, responsiever, duurzamer en concurrerender maken +
The Dynamic Adaptive Policy Pathways, or DAPP approach, is applied and tested to help the municipality of Vejle plan flood risk management while keeping the value of the city close to the water and harbour activity. +
We werken toe naar een duurzame regionale watervoorziening door gebruik te maken van terugwinning, hergebruik en technische oplossingen. +
* To increase public awareness and preparedness regarding floods to minimize subsequent damage
* To unveil shortcomings by reviewing mechanisms concerning disaster management from individual preparations up to the request of national or international auxiliary forces
* To link stakeholders (governmental and non-governmental) which are involved in disaster management to share problems and ideas and interactively develop solutions / strategies
* To improve spatial planning / adaptation in terms of building flood resilience