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20 pagina’s gebruiken deze eigenschap.
Organisaties in de zorg en maatschappelijke ondersteuning willen helderheid verkrijgen over de taakomschrijving en de kennis en vaardigheden van onafhankelijke cliëntondersteuners, die mensen helpen om hun weg te vinden in het complexe landschap van zorg en ondersteuning.  +
The HZ Green Office invites you to a clothing swap series event located in the APV in Vlissingen. The event takes place from 08/03/2021 to 10/03/2021 at 16:00-18:00h. Join us to give your clothing pieces a second chance at life and receive a cute clothing piece in return. The event is corona-safe. The number of people that enter the room is monitored.  +
Lessons learned uit de ervaringen met de innovatie- en valorisatietrajecten die werden ontplooid in het kader van het Smart Services Bridge project (2019-2022), gefinancierd door Interreg Vlaanderen-Nederland.  +
Découvrez comment nous gérons le projet pendant la pandémie.  +
A coaching service for employers will be developed and piloted  +
Binnen CoastObs wordt een commercieel dienstenplatform ontwikkeld voor gebruikersrelevante kustwatermonitoring en milieurapportage op basis van aardobservatie. De rol van de onderzoeksgroep is bijdragen aan de ontwikkeling van een platform dat specifiek gericht is op aquacultuurgebruikers in de mosselsector.  +
Binnen CoastObs werd een commercieel dienstenplatform ontwikkeld voor gebruikersrelevante kustwatermonitoring en milieurapportage op basis van aardobservatie Het CoastObs-project liep tot november 2020 en werd gefinancierd door het Horizon2020-programma van de EU. Voor meer informatie: .  +
Coastal systems holds the following subjects: adaptation to climate change, dealing with competing spatial claims, flood resilience in cities, natural capital in harbours and robust water systems.  +
In this pilot we demonstrate the viability of circular economy tourist accommodation by co-creating a demo bioCircular accommodation with stakeholders. The focus in this pilot is to look both at techniques using waste material as well as working with parts that could be used in new accommodation or been giving another “afterlife”.  +
Bio-bean is the world’s largest recycler of coffee grounds. They take spent grounds from businesses large and small across the UK and transform them into sustainable bio-products at an industrial scale, giving new life to a material previously considered waste, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and contributing to the circular economy.  +
Onze collega Diana Korteweg Maris is genomineerd voor de Zeeuwse Vrouw in de Media Award. Op basis van onze onderzoeken geeft zij regelmatig duiding bij toeristische ontwikkelingen in Zeeland.  +
Collègues  +
Collègues  +
En plus de partager le diagnostic avec votre employeur, vos collègues (directs) devront également être informés. C'est à vous de décider comment vous souhaitez procéder, et si et comment vous allez les impliquer. Allez-vous informer vos collègues vous-même ou votre supérieur hiérarchique le fera-t-il pour vous ?  +
Colofon.  +
About this book.  +
In de courses ‘Accountability’, ‘Reputatiemanagement’ en ‘Strategisch Adviseren’ vormen vierdejaars communicatiestudenten in een groepje van vier of vijf personen hun eigen “communicatiebureau”.  +
How do you communicate your circular economy efforts to your guests?  +
The focus on social innovation makes communication a key element for the long term success of the project: it depends on the active participation of the target groups and lives on through an active stakeholder involvement. (1) Internal communication and involvement of the target groups: the elderly and local service providers are very different and both will need targeted communication in order to reach them effectively and ensure their longterm engagement. Elderly are a particularly difficult group to reach, the partners will develop a set of tools that helps to ensure the active engagement of the elderly in the pilots, based both on past experiences and also on the contributions of the observer partners who are representing elderly. (2) External communication. Active engagement with wider stakeholders is crucial to disseminate project results, but even more to ensure the transfer and durability of the project results and outputs. From the beginning, partner will identify and engage with potential follower communities that can take up the results and implement further (through targeted information, coaching, inviting them to relevant project events etc.). They will also make active use of their existing networks to ensure a wide uptake of the project through regular information. The observer partners will contribute with their own networks in collecting and disseminating information.  +
Deel 1: Debatochtend Living Lab Slimme Mobiliteit From 10:30 till 12:30h; at Hz University of Applied Sciences, Vlissingen. Deel 2: Netwerklunch From 12:30 till 13:30h; at CineCity, Vlissingen Deel 3: Plenaire Conferentie Slimme Mobiliteit From 13:30 till 15:30h; at CineCity, Vlissingen Deel 4: Deelsessies From 15:30 till 17:00h; at CineCity, Vlissingen  +