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- Workshop 11 + (14:00 - 16:00)
- Toepassingssessie 11 + (14:00 - 16:00)
- Toepassingssessie 12 + (14:00 - 16:00)
- Extra sessie n.a.v. annuleren toepassingssessie 1 + (14:00 - 16:00)
- Toepassingssessie 1 (geannuleerd) + (14:30 - 16:30)
- Toepassingssessie 5 + (14:30 - 16:30)
- Workshop 6 + (14:30 - 16:30)
- Toepassingssessie 6 + (14:30 - 16:30)
- Workshop 2 + (15:00 - 17:00)
- Workshop 2 + (15:00 - 17:00)
- Toepassingssessie 3 + (15:00 - 17:00)
- Workshop 7 + (15:00 - 17:00)
- Toepassingssessie 7 + (15:00 - 17:00)
- Workshop 8 + (15:00 - 17:00)
- Toepassingssessie 2 + (15:15 - 17:15)
- Donut Deal Dag Amsterdam + (18 oktober vond de Donut Deal Dag plaats in Amsterdam. Tijdens deze dag werden concrete afspraken voor de stad Amsterdam gemaakt, rekening houdend met een veilig ecologisch plafond en een eerlijke sociale basis.)
- Impuls Zeeland: [Webinar vrijetijdssector] netwerksessie voor jonge ondernemers + (20 april organiseerd NV Economisch Impuls Zeelandj een ontbijtsessie voor jonge ondernemers om hen samen te brengen en te kijken naar de uitdagingen waar zij mee te maken hebben. De focus van de sessie ligt op kennismaking en het ophalen van informatie.)
- Eindconferentie Mobility Opportunities Valuable to Everbody (MOVE) + (21 maart as. organiseert HZ University of Applied Sciences de online eindconferentie van het Europese project #MOVE.)
- Save the date: MOVE + (21 maart as. organiseert HZ University of Applied Sciences de online eindconferentie van het Europese project #MOVE.)
- 3ST + (3ST verbetert de samenwerking tussen de la … 3ST verbetert de samenwerking tussen de landen rond de Noordzee en bevordert circularieit in het toerisme. Toerisme heeft impact (zowel positief als negatief) op het milieu en de gemeenschap. Door middel van onderzoek en pilotprojecten over water, afval en energie moeten de barrières voor circulair ondernemerschap kleiner worden. Tijdens 3ST worden meer dan 300 organisaties en bedrijven in de regio van de Noordzee bereikt via training, coaching en teamwork.ereikt via training, coaching en teamwork.)
- 5G-Blueprint + (5G-Blueprint wil een technische architectuur ontwerpen en ontwikkelen en een bedrijfs- en governancemodel voor ononderbroken, grensoverschrijdend, teleoperationeel vervoer op basis van 5G-connectiviteit.)
- 6-step CE Strategic Framework + (A 6-step CE Strategic Framework that would help local authorities to stimulate tourism and hospitality SME’s to adopt CE Solutions:)
- Go About + (A bike repair workshop and a bike tour to Bioduin is going to take place on 22nd of April. Come and join us!)
- Circular building that matches the environment + (A business plan for the construction of a center building / workshop that fits in the environment, in a circular manner)
- Jobcoachingsmodel + (A coaching service for employees with cancer will be developed and piloted.)
- Coachingservice voor werkgevers + (A coaching service for employers will be developed and piloted)
- Campingpark Onsbuiten + (A company that wants to contribute to its environment in the broadest sense of the word, without a negative footprint.)
- Campingpark Ons Buiten + (A company that wants to contribute to its environment in the broadest sense of the word, without a negative footprint.)
- Practical toolkit circularity + (A concept has been developed together with a communication agency that allows organisations to communicate in a positive way about waste and the circular handling of waste.)
- A comparison of oyster quality and physiology between oysters from different origin + (A former study assessed the difference in … A former study assessed the difference in quality (condition index) and physiology (in this case gill:palp ratio) of oysters from different locations in the Netherlands. The objective of that study was to compare CI and G:P ratio of oysters from the four different origins which are transported to the Eastern Scheldt with oysters from Eastern Scheldt origin on different moments in time after transportation. </br>This study aims to do additional analysis for the change in physiology (gill/palp ratio and condition index) at a later point in time.condition index) at a later point in time.)
- Cleanups + (A huge amount of mostly plastic waste ends … A huge amount of mostly plastic waste ends up in our harbours and on our beaches.</br>The HZ Green Office organises cleanups on a weekly basis across several locations like the beach near the Panta Rhei, the harbour in Vlissingen, and along the canal in Vlissingen and Middelburg.</br></br>Everyone is free to join!and Middelburg. Everyone is free to join!)
- Plastic-free terraces + (A leading group of North Holland beach pavilions has stopped using disposable plastic on their terraces.)
- Werkafspraken maken + (A l’annonce, vous ne savez pas encore clai … A l’annonce, vous ne savez pas encore clairement quel sera le parcours de soins et le processus des traitements. Il peut donc être compliqué de prendre les decisions avec l’employeur si vous ne savez pas quel traitement vous recevrez et quels seront les effets et consequences.t quels seront les effets et consequences.)
- Obsolete - Werkafspraken maken + (A l’annonce, vous ne savez pas encore clai … A l’annonce, vous ne savez pas encore clairement quel sera le parcours de soins et le processus des traitements. Il peut donc être compliqué de prendre les decisions avec l’employeur si vous ne savez pas quel traitement vous recevrez et quels seront les effets et consequences.t quels seront les effets et consequences.)
- Pilot 4 Move and se(a)- health improvement for moderate or not active elderly through increased movement and less sitting + (A needs assessment in Oostende showed that … A needs assessment in Oostende showed that at the age of 80 people reach a turning point in terms of mobility. Despite various mobility offers, there are no targeted actions for people aged 60 - 80 looking at prevention, nor specific interventions for people aged 80+. Oostende aims to change this, while Westtoer will integrate a communication dimension: a new mobility concept will be set up that increases social participation in city life through better communication and mobility offers. better communication and mobility offers.)
- Publication new White paper on accelerating the adoption of a CE in the tourism and leisure sector + (A new white paper has been published under 'resources')
- ZLND2050 + (A new yearly sustainability festival in Middelburg. Music & food trucks joined by interesting seminars and workshops surrounding sustainable topics.)
- Plant workshop + (A plant workshop means that we are going to multiply plants by growing from cuttings. Where? In the PE2 hallway, HZ Vlissingen. When? 09 Oct 12 pm.)
- Postponing nutrient uptake by algae in ragworm culture + (A position is available to do a quick scan … A position is available to do a quick scan on the different possible substances to postpone nutrient uptake by algae in ragworm ponds, involving lab-scale experiments to investigate the effect on ragworms. The main question would be which non-harmful and non-toxic substances can be used to increase turbidity and can easily be removed later in the process to prevent or postpone nutrient uptake by algae in the ponds without affecting ragworm condition and growth.ut affecting ragworm condition and growth.)
- Biobased building + (A project group of five fourth-year students from the engineering program at the HZ University of Applied Sciences are working on the construction of a biobased experience building.)
- Hemsby Community Cup + (A reusable cup pilot known as the “Hemsby Cup”.)
- Decision Support System + (A road map to help involved authorities identify how governance relates to the resilience of flood prone areas.)
- Swimming pool heating with biomass system + (A swimming pool in Lemmer right next to the IJsselmeer is heated by a biomass installation. The biomass installation heats the indoor air and the swimming pool water.)
- Swimming pool heating with biomass system + (A swimming pool in Lemmer right next to the IJsselmeer is heated by a biomass installation. The biomass installation heats the indoor air and the swimming pool water.)
- Toilet with rain flushing water + (A toilet that flushes with rainwater saves on the use of clean drinking water. The waste water from the toilets is treated on site.)
- Joint purchase + (A tool to enable entrepreneurs to introduce circular economy principles into their purchasing activities and thereby create financial, social and environmental value.)
- A guide to help develop circular projects + (ADEME created a practical guide to help tourism stakeholders develop touristic territorial ecology (TTE) projects.)
- Pilot 5 trail on the Coast and Soft Gym- outdoor and indoor mobility + (AFEJI looks at developing two complementar … AFEJI looks at developing two complementary concepts to maintain the mobility of the elderly. For the summer season, the emphasis will be on an outdoor (trail) concept for elderly residents and visitors in the region while exploring possible links with local businesses. For the winter season, underused local facilities may be used for a soft gym concept. Both concepts will also have an emphasis on the involvement of caregivers.emphasis on the involvement of caregivers.)
- Pilot 8 Animal Mediation + (AFEJI will look at how animals can be inco … AFEJI will look at how animals can be incorporated in a wider care concept for elderly people. So far animals are used in care only in a domestic setting and often only when people are already not able anymore to leave their home or are confined to bed. It may be promising to use animals also in a preventive care concept. Leisure farms that are now mainly targeting children as well as normal farms may thus also extend their commercialand social activities.end their commercialand social activities.)
- Toepassingssessie 3 kritische vragen + (Aan de deelnemers werd gevraagd om een kor … Aan de deelnemers werd gevraagd om een korte toelichting te geven op de sheets van de vorige workshop over onder meer de kritische vragen . Verder zijn de kritische vragen nog toegepast op een praktijkvoorbeeld van een deelnemer over een mogelijk schijnhuwelijk.eelnemer over een mogelijk schijnhuwelijk.)
- Opdracht 'Aan de slag' + (Aan de hand van een actuele casus creeer ik een rijk plaatje met behulp van de PQR formule en rake vragen)