Fact sheets about monitoring techniques
Fact sheets are developed for every considered technique. These fact sheets provide the basis for the decision framework. Each fact sheet holds information about a specific technique in which is considered:
- the goal of the technique
- the typical study area
- the typical time resolution
- the investment costs
- the operation costs
- labour involved
- Spatial coverage
- Time frequency
- Level of detail
For each considered technique, the developed fact sheet is provided below.
Airborne LIDAR
Acoustic Sensor
Factsheet Electro-resistivity Sensor
Factsheet Electro-resistivity sensor
Factsheet Erosion pin
Factsheet DGPS_RTK
Factsheet Photo-Electronic Erosion Pin (PEEP)
Factsheet SED sensor
Factsheet Sediment (SED) sensor
Factsheet Wild Camera
Factsheet Telescope
- Factsheet Acoustic Sensor, J. Salvador de Paiva, 29 januari 2021.
- Factsheet Airborne LIDAR, J. Salvador de Paiva, 29 januari 2021.
- Factsheet DGPS-RTK, J. Salvador de Paiva, 29 januari 2021.
- Factsheet Electro-resistivity sensor, J. Salvador de Paiva, 29 januari 2021.
- Factsheet Erosion pin, J. Salvador de Paiva, 29 januari 2021.
- Factsheet PEEP, J. Salvador de Paiva, 29 januari 2021.
- Factsheet SFM Morphology, J. Salvador de Paiva, 29 januari 2021.
- Factsheet Sediment (SED) sensor, J. Salvador de Paiva, 29 januari 2021.
- Factsheet Telescope, J. Salvador de Paiva, 29 januari 2021.
- Factsheet Wild Camera, J. Salvador de Paiva, 29 januari 2021.